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“How did he take it?”

“He hit me. Twice.”

Morgan winced. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. I would have done the same if I were in his shoes.”

She searched my face, almost as if she were trying to figure out if she was dreaming.

“He asked me how I felt about you, and I told him.”

This time those blue eyes of her sparkled. “What did you tell him?”

“That I care deeply about you. More than I’ve ever cared for any other woman. I can’t say I’m in love, but it sure as hell feels like it. Maybe I am, but my mind is trying to tell me I couldn’t possibly fall in love that quickly.”

A brilliant smile broke out over her stunningly beautiful face.

“It’s sort of soon to be throwing that word around, I guess.”

I nodded. “That’s why I don’t want to say it . . . not yet. Not until I know we’re both ready.”

It was Morgan’s turn to nod in agreement. “What do we do from here?”

There was no way I could stop the smile on my face. “Well, I was hoping we would date exclusively, like you said.”

“I want that too.”

“There is no doubt in my mind I want to be with you, Morgan. These last few days when you’ve been so sick, it’s been killing me. I felt so damn hopeless, I still do. I wish it had been me who got the flu.”

“I’m sorry.”

I closed my eyes briefly, then looked at her.

“Don’t blame yourself for getting the flu. You do that too much.”

“Do what?”

“Blame yourself for things. I hated seeing you sick, but being here for you the last couple of days has been amazing. Watching you sleep, giving you baths. Holding you in bed while you snuggled against my body. I never in my life thought I would love all those things.”

She grinned. “I wish I could remember it all. It’s foggy. I think a few times I woke up and thought I was dreaming. Nobody besides my family has ever cared for me like that. Thank you.”

I needed to stand up and move away from her before my greedy ass decided it wanted something from her. Like a kiss. Or to touch her body everywhere. I stood and kissed her on the forehead. “Rest on the couch while I get the soup. I think you’ll feel better with food in you. You haven’t eaten a thing in two days.”

“Maybe I’ll finally lose that ten extra pounds.”

I gave her a stern look, and she shrugged. She grabbed the pillow and was soon lying down with her eyes closed.

I had turned off the stove, but the soup was still hot. The perfect temperature for her to eat it. I filled a bowl for Morgan and one for me, then I headed back into the living room.

“Here ya go, princess.”

Slowly sitting up, she watched as I put a TV tray in front of her and then placed the soup and some crackers on it.

“Chicken noodle soup straight from your mom’s kitchen.”

She sighed, picked up a cracker, and ate the whole thing in two bites.

“Are you eating anything?” Morgan asked, looking up at me with the sweetest expression. I knew I was falling in love with this woman, but my heart needed to slow things down. There was something between us, a secret I knew I needed to share with her and a truth she needed to know. Until we had that taken care of, I wasn’t sure we could truly move on with our future.
