Page 6 of Adrenaline

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When his eyes landed on my lips, I gave them a quick lick. “The name is Greg.”

Reaching my hand across the bar, I replied, “Paislie, it’s a pleasure meeting you, Greg.”

“Oh, baby, I hope the pleasure will be mine by the end of the night.”

Wow. Damn. Slow down there, boy.

Pushing a twenty his way, I winked and said, “Keep the change.”

Before I even had a chance to turn around, I was grabbed and being drug out toward the dance floor.

“What have I told you? Never flirt with the bartenders and always order a fruity drink!”

I held my bottle of beer up in front of Annie’s face. “It has a lime!”

She rolled her eyes and mumbled something I couldn’t hear over the music.

Glancing over her shoulder, she gave me a naughty smile. “You are going to love Trey!”

“Who’s Trey?” I shouted.

She scrunched up her nose and yelled, “You’ll see.”

We came to a stop in front of a large table filled with overly-beautiful people. “What is this, an audition table for The Bachelor?” I asked with a chuckle.

Annie hit me as I glanced around the table. My eyes stopped on one guy who had his face buried in his phone.

Oh holy hell. His body. His dark hair. His body.

My insides quivered at the thought of getting lost in him. A few forbidden moments of pleasure to forget everything else.


“That’s who I was talking about on the phone. Come on,” Annie said, leading me over to the hot guy on his phone.

“Trey, this is my friend, Paislie.” Trey stood and I got a better look at his fit body. Okay, so my insides melted and my stomach was tugging with the idea of this guy on top of me.

Forgive me, Sister Elizabeth.

“Paislie, this is Trey. You’re both workaholics in need of getting drunk and having some fun.”

Trey laughed as he took my hand and gently kissed the back of it while my teeth sunk into my lip.

“Paislie, it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

Jesus . . . his voice melted my panties.

“Trey,” I said. Then something happened and I forgot all my good sense. “Hopefully the pleasure will be mine by the end of the evening.”

Annie’s mouth dropped open as I tried to make it seem like I didn’t just sound like a class-act whore. Worse yet . . . I took the damn bartender’s pick-up line. How lame was I?

His dark-brown eyes lit up with a fire as he leaned in closer to me and placed his lips next to my ear. “I can make that happen.”

Oh, hell yes. I was getting laid tonight.

Trey and I spent the next two hours dancing, talking, and drinking. Lots and lots of drinking. I wasn’t surprised when we ended back at my apartment and Trey did indeed feel good between my sheets and me.

The moment his tongue dove deep inside of me, I gasped and grabbed his hair. “Forgive me, Sister Elizabeth,” I mumbled as my body trembled.
