Page 11 of Sweet Treasures

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Mr. Vitale tossed his head back and laughed. “That would have been priceless, especially with that costume.”

Looking down at herself, Anna had almost forgotten about her costume, and the thought of the sight she would’ve made struck her as funny.

“Then my nephew could have run after you just like in the movies.” Tony laughed again.

Heat flooded into her cheeks at his implication, and she didn’t dare look at Nicholas.

This was going to be a long night.

Even so, she was determined to enjoy herself and to not be overly conscious about her attire. That was the plan anyway. She’d see how long that plan lasted.

“Come. Enjoy yourself.” Tony grinned at her and then looked over at his nephew. “I like her, Nico. She has spunk. You need to keep this one. If you don’t, I will.”

How it was possible that even more heat filled her already flaming cheeks, she had no idea, but they had to be scarlet red by now.

“I don’t think Aunt Savia would appreciate that.” There was a teasing connotation to Nicholas voice, much to Anna’s relief.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” A petite woman with blue-black hair and blues eyes who Anna guessed to be in her mid-fifties wove her arm through Tony’s and gazed up at him. “Are you flirting again, Caro?” Without waiting for his answer, she turned her attention to Nicholas. “Nico, is so good to see you again.”

Anna loved the woman’s strong Italian accent. It reminded her so much of her grandmother back in Italy, and Anna made a mental note to take another trip back there soon.

“It is good to see you as well.” Nicholas leaned down and kissed his aunt’s cheeks. Stepping back beside Anna, he introduced them. “Aunt Savia, this is my friend, Anna. Anna, this is my Aunt Savia.”

Before Anna had a chance to say anything, his aunt clutched her shoulders and kissed her on the cheeks. “You are molto bella.”

Anna’s eyes moistened. “I was just about to say the same thing about you.”

Savia waved her compliment away. “This old face…” Her hand circled her face. “Is no beautiful anymore.”

“Oh, you are so wrong, Caro.” Tony joined the conversation. “You will always be molto bella in my eyes.” The love that passed between them in their eyes was obvious.

Feeling like an intruder, Anna looked away.

“Let’s go find us a seat while we can,” Nicholas whispered near her ear. His warm breath sent a wave of tingles rushing through her that left her speechless.

All she could do was nod and let him lead her to the table.

♥ ♥ ♥

Nicholas had never been more proud of someone. Anna was a gem. A gem who didn’t know a stranger. Every one she met, she made them feel special, including himself.

Dinner consisted of prime rib, roasted turkey, stuffed manicotti, lasagna, risotto, carbonara, baked potatoes, salad and a vast array of Italian desserts. His aunt and uncle had outdone themselves. The caterer they had hired was amazing.

By the time he and Anna finished eating, the band had just finished their second break, and was halfway through Can’t Stop The Feeling.

“Would you like to dance, Anna?” Nicholas asked.

Her attention trailed to the dance floor and then drifted back at him. “Yes, I would love to.”

He stood and offered her his hand. When she placed her soft hand in his, Nicholas liked the way it fit. On the dance floor, they danced apart to the upbeat song. When the song finished, the band went right into a slow one. Without asking permission, Nicholas gathered Anna’s hands and led her around the floor dancing the Viennese waltz. The dance lessons he had taken as a young boy were paying off now and he was glad his mother had talked him into taking them.

Before he knew it, the song ended, and the band started to play Diddly Daddy. He loved how his uncle had them play a variety of music that suited everyone’s tastes.

Anna looked up at him, and he wondered if she knew how to shag. He hoped so because even though it was hot and he needed fresh air, he enjoyed dancing with her and he loved to shag. There was only one way to find if she knew how to shag.

He took Anna’s hand, and keeping his upper body still with the exception of his arms, he moved his feet one in front of the other fast and smooth, back and forth, bending his knees and shifting his legs off to the one side and then the other, twirling Anna to him and back as he did. While he couldn’t see her feet under that long dress, Anna followed his lead perfectly and he couldn’t be more elated that she obviously knew how to shag. Very few people he associated with did and shagging was a secret hobby of his. It was good clean fun.
