Page 12 of Sweet Treasures

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When the song ended and they stopped dancing, Anna fanned herself with her hand and said something but he couldn’t hear her above the band starting up again and the people talking. He lowered his head and turned his ear toward her.

“Can we go someplace to cool off?” With her warm breath and her face so close to his, he struggled to get his mind off of her and onto the words she spoke. Doing that was no easy task. “I’m smothering in this outfit.” She moved back and tugged at the high collar on her neck.

“Me too. I know just the place.” He curled her hand through his arm and led her off the dance floor, out into the lobby, and into the elevator.

“You did a great job of shagging in there.” Nicholas couldn’t praise her enough.

Her eyes brightened. “I love to shag. It’s so hard to find someone else who does. I had a blast. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. Shagging’s a hobby of mine, but I don’t get to do it often.”

“Me either.”

“Well, we’ll have to change that then, won’t we?” he said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“Sounds like a great plan to me.” Her smile melted his heart. “What number?” she asked since she was closest to the control panel.

“19th floor.”

Anna pushed the 19 button and stepped back alongside him. She gazed up at him and smiled that sweet smile that turned his insides to mush and had him wanting to kiss those luscious lips of hers.

Nicholas pulled Anna into his arms and gazed down at her.

She slipped her arms around him and nothing could hold back the happiness forming in his heart. “I’m having a great time, Anna. Thank you.”

“No. Thank you. This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Your family is amazing. Makes me miss mine even more.”

It saddened him to hear the nostalgia in her voice. Nicholas glanced at the control; ten more floors to go before they reached the 19th floor. Since they were alone, he decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

Looking down at her, he locked gazes with her. Smoky blue eyes peered back at him.

For a brief second, he allowed his eyes to drift toward her lips, but only for a second before they were back onto hers, seeking permission.

Her eyes lowered and her lips curled into a timid smile. What a breath of fresh air Anna was. Most of the women he had dated were more of the take charge sort, asking him out, making the plans without consulting him at all, and making the first moves. Anna, however, allowed him to lead. Being an old-fashioned sort, he found he liked that more than he had realized he would.

Slowly he lowered his head and sought out her lips. His heart melted at not only their softness but at her response as he brushed his lips across hers gently as well. A moment and he deepened the kiss. It didn’t take long before he found himself lost in the feelings of the sweet lady in his arms. She followed his lead and matched his every move.

Something stirred inside of him.

Something he had never felt before.

He had kissed a lot of women in his time, but no one’s kiss had ever affected him like Anna’s.

A ding echoed in the small confines of the elevator, and he wasn’t at all pleased with its timing. He didn’t want this kiss, their first kiss to end, even though he knew it had to when the door opened. Reluctantly, he raised his head from hers and stepped back.

Taking her hand, he led her out into the lobby and over to the enclosed observation deck. Opening the glass door for her, they stepped out onto the deck that overlooked the city. It was a good place to cool down. It wasn’t a cold place, but it was definitely cooler than the room where his uncle’s party was being held.

Several couples and even a few families lingered about on the deck. Nicholas led Anna to a spot that was far enough away from the others so they could have a moment alone. The truth was, he wanted her all to himself.

Standing at the rail with his arm around her waist, they gazed down at the city and the lights.

“Don’t you just love all the Christmas lights?”

Denver’s lights were nothing compared to New York’s, but he wouldn’t tell her that because he knew he was biased. He loved New York at Christmastime. He loved New York period. “They are nice.”

Turning so her back was on the railing, she looked at him. “I’ve never been up here or in this building before.”


“Yes. If I would’ve known this place was here, I would’ve come here a lot. How is it that you knew about this place and I didn’t?”

Nicholas shrugged. “Easy. My uncle. His office is in this building. He comes up here quite a bit to think.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”
