Page 26 of Sweet Treasures

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“You’re welcome.” He pulled her to him, and there under the canopy of twinkling lights strung throughout the tree, he kissed her, long and sweet. The thought of him leaving was no longer just a naggingly bad thought, it had come to the point that it was starting to break her heart. Melting further into his embrace, she relished the sweet kiss and put to memory the feel of his chest, strong arms, warm heart, and sweet kisses. Soon she would have to say goodbye to him. That day, she dreaded more than any other. How would her heart handle his absence?

Chapter Six

The next several days went by in a blur. Since that evening in the park, Anna hadn’t seen or talked to Nicholas. He told her he wouldn’t be able to come by for a few nights, and he wasn’t sure what would happen on Sunday. Something about being in court helping his uncle solve a multi-million dollar case.

Though she was tired, that didn’t stop her from missing him. And since she hadn’t heard from him about going to church or anything, she decided to sleep in on Sunday and go to the late service. Falling into bed at 1:00 am made that decision an easy one.

The next morning, Anna glanced at the clock on her nightstand: 9:18. Yawning wide and long, after a good stretch, she tossed the covers off and padded her way to the bathroom hoping a good shower would help her wake up.

Just as she lathered her hair, she heard her cell phone ringing. Whoever it was would have to wait. She just hoped that someone wasn’t Nicholas.

When she finished showering and drying off, she grabbed her cellphone, and while she made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, she checked to see who had called. Whoever it was had left a message, so she punched in her security code and looked to see who it was. Nicholas. Her heart skipped just seeing his name.

She listened as his message played.

“Anna, this is Nicholas. Sorry, I haven’t been able to call. I’ve been so busy. In fact, I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it to church today, but I was able to at the last minute. I was hoping you would be there. Hope everything’s okay. Give me a call when you get this, okay? I’d love to see you today, if that’s at all possible.”

Her insides pranced and fluttered. Of course it was possible. More than possible. As fast as her fingers would move, she called him back. Two rings later, and his wonderfully masculine voice came over the airwaves. “Hey, Anna. I’m so glad you called. Did you get my message? Is everything okay?”

“Yes. I got your message, and yes everything’s fine.” More than fine because I’m talking to you. “It’s been such a long week, I decided to sleep in and go to the late service.” She tucked her phone to her ear and held it firmly in place with her shoulder while she fixed herself a cup of expresso. This morning, she wouldn’t have her usual hot chocolate. No. A triple dose of caffeine was in order to help wake her up. She stifled another yawn.

“Listen, I can hear how tired you are. So if you’re too tired to something today, I understand.”

“No, it’s fine.” She grabbed her phone and tucked it close to her other ear. “I’d really like to see you. I’ve missed you.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she cringed, wondering what he would read into that. Was it too hopeful? Too desperate? Too forward? Too late now. She’d said it.

“I missed you too.” His voice had a husky tone to it, warming her insides clear through, and annihilating any concerns she had from the moment before.

She let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “Did you want to come out to my place for lunch? And maybe afterward do some ice skating. It snowed last night, but the pond is frozen over and already cleared.” Anna had a snow removal company that kept her driveway, walkways and pond plowed. “That is, if you can ice skate.”

“Ice skating’s in my blood. Growing up, my brothers and I used to play ice hockey all the time. Only problem is, I don’t have my skates here with me.”

Probably because he didn’t plan on staying in Colorado. Anna kicked that depressing thought right of her mind. “What size do you wear?”

“Eleven. Eleven and a half. Depending on the skates.”

“Well, I have a couple pair of my dad’s and some of my brother-in-law’s skates here. They left them because they didn’t figure they would need them out in ‘sunny California.’ I think they were just hoping they wouldn’t need them.” She chuckled. “We’ll have to see if any of them will fit you.”

“Sounds good. What time?”

“Church lets out about 12:30. I should be home a little after one.”
