Page 27 of Sweet Treasures

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“Can I bring anything?”


“I think I can manage that.”

“Good. See you later then. Bye.”


Hanging up, she grabbed a bag of the cornmeal biscuits and the leftover chili she had made a couple of weeks before from the freezer. She dumped the chili into her crock pot and turned it on high. By the time she got home, the spicy soup would be ready, and the biscuits would be thawed.

Later, when the church service ended, Anna drove home, barely able to contain her excitement about seeing Nicholas again. His car was already parked in the driveway when she arrived.

As soon as she pulled her car in the garage, he was there, at her door, opening it for her. “Hey there.” Her heart fluttered just seeing him.

He offered her a hand.

Though she didn’t need the help, she wouldn’t miss an opportunity to connect with him. She climbed out, and he kissed her before she had a chance to turn around and grab her purse. She didn’t mind one little bit. Her purse could rot in there for all she cared. Falling into his kiss, she relished the feel of his lips covering hers. They were both warm and cold. Cold from the weather, warm to her heart.

♥ ♥ ♥

Nicholas ended the kiss even though he wanted to keep kissing her. She grabbed her purse and punched the remote to close the outside garage door. Side-by-side they went through the garage and into the kitchen.

Something spicy and delicious-smelling greeted him. “Something sure smells good.”

Anna looked back at him. “I hope you like leftover chili.”

“Leftover. Fresh. Any way it’s served. Hot chili is always good on a cold day.”

“I agree.” Anna’s smile melted his heart faster than the snow melting off of his boots and onto the throw rug. He was falling for her, and now he knew for sure there was nothing he could do to stop it. So far every solution he had thought of to make them work fell short. A few times he thought he’d come up with something that would work for both of them, but the logistics of his plans just didn’t quite come together. Her business and ministry was here, and his practice was in New York. It seemed like no matter how many times he had spoken to God about it, God had remained silent on the matter. And now, it was only a matter of time before he had to say goodbye to her. One thing was for certain, when he left Colorado to go back home to New York, his heart would not be going with him. It would be staying behind here. With Anna.

Today, before they did anything, he needed to tell her that he was leaving in a few days. He knew his Aunt Savia had told Anna that he was only here helping his uncle out and would be returning to New York. He wondered if it would be as hard for her as it would be for him. Right now, he didn’t want to think about leaving. He only wanted to be with her and enjoy what little time they had together. But was that really fair to her even though she knew he would be leaving?

Before he removed his coat, he waited until she had hers off.

She looked at him and frowned. “Is something wrong? Why aren’t you taking your coat off?”

He took a step toward her, perplexed by his feelings and what to do about them. “Anna. Maybe this is a bad idea.”

“What? Lunch? Skating?”

Gently he took her hands in his. “No. This. Us.”

The confusion in her beautiful eyes drove an ache into his heart. “I don’t understand.”

“Look, I talked to Aunt Savia. I know she told you that my practice is New York and that I would only be here for a little while.”

“Yes.” Anna nodded, her eyes falling from his for a second even as her face struggled to look unconcerned and strong.

“The truth is, my uncle called when I was on my way over here. The law suit against his best friend has been dropped.” Nicholas’s heart turned over at just what that meant for the two of them. “Since he only needed my help because of the type of law I practice, now that it’s over, I’ll be leaving sooner than I thought.”

“How soon?” she asked, looking up at him, trying to hid her growing trepidation.

Why did the answer cut his heart in half? “Wednesday morning, I’ll be heading back home to New York.”

With half a nod, Anna lowered her eyes, retrieved her hands from his possession, and anchored her arms around herself. “I knew this day was coming. I think I knew it even that very first day. And I knew it would be hard. I guess I just didn’t know exactly how hard.”

The last thing Nicholas wanted to do was hurt her “Would it be easier if I left now? I can, you know. If you would rather.” His heart hurt just thinking about leaving.

Her head weaved back and forth. “No. I’d rather have this last day together, if that’s okay.”
