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His mouth curved into a wicked grin. ‘Oh, absolutely—and ready and willing to prove it.’

‘Can you get upstairs without buying another house?’

‘I’ll try,’ he promised, scooping her up. At the door, he paused. ‘I should say there is a builder stopping by tomorrow. I thought I’d do a few renovations before I hand it over to the hospital... With a bit of work it could be perfect for families who find themselves in the situation we did.’

Lily’s eyes filled with tears. ‘Oh, Ben, that’s a lovely idea.’

‘I just hope that some of them have the happy ending we have had. This time last year my life was empty, and now I have...everything I need.’

Lily framed his face with her hands. ‘So do I.’ Adding, ‘Shush,’ as he ran up the stairs with her. ‘We don’t want to wake Lara. Too late,’ she added as there was the sound of someone loudly weeping from the door they were passing. ‘Sorry, Ben...’

He sighed. ‘Well, just remember where we were and promise me that if she comes to our wedding you’ll hide the booze.’

‘You wanted family life,’ she teased.

He covered the hand she had placed on the door handle with his and looked down with fierce longing into her face. ‘I’ve always wanted you. I always will.’

A few weeks later they exchanged vows in front of their friends and relations, but for Lily what he said at that moment meant so much more.


Emily Rose Warrender

Year One Homework.


I was going to ride my pony this weekend. He’s cool, but my mummy and daddy had to go to the hospital, so I stayed with my grandma and we played tea parties because she is quite old, maybe even twenty, and she needs to sit down a lot.

Mummy and Daddy brought home a baby this morning. Mummy says he looks like Daddy, but I don’t think so because my daddy is very tall and handsome and baby Harry is wrinkled and red. My mummy has red hair like me and she is very pretty and so am I.

Harry can’t do anything yet but Daddy says when he’s older, maybe next week, I can teach him stuff like how to kick a ball and other things that I’m very good at. Daddy says I can be the boss.

I love my mummy and daddy a lot, and Harry, but my pony is better. I am going to be a very good boss.

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