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Brand hung back. He likely would have retreated except for her hand on his elbow, holding him firmly in place.

Bertie sprang to his feet. “Brand, I’m glad as can be to see you here. I told my wife I hoped you’d come. Darlin’?” He turned to Cookie. “This is Brand. Son, this is my wife. Everyone calls her Cookie and you no doubt know why, since you’ve tasted her cooking.”

Cookie swept forward, grabbed Brand’s hand and pumped it up and down. “Glad to meet you. Come on in.” She practically dragged him forward to a bench, and he sat because he didn’t have much choice.

Sybil perched beside him, her elbow pressed to his arm. Tension vibrated from him. His hands clamped his knees and he stared at Bertie, who had moved to the front of the assembly.

Cookie led the group in two familiar hymns. Sybil sang without considering the words. Her mind was on the man next to her. She had the feeling Brand might spring to his feet and dash from the room at any moment.

Then Bertie stood and smiled at him for several seconds until Brand visibly relaxed. Only then did Bertie begin to speak. “I could tell you many stories about sinners saved by grace. I expect most, if not all of you, could add stories. Perhaps your own. But today I want to tell you a different sort of story.”

They sat spellbound as he talked about how he had wandered far and been brought back by the prayers of a faithful mother. Then he closed with a prayer.

“Coffee and cinnamon buns coming right up,” Cookie said. She faced Brand. “I would be greatly pleased if you’d stay. In fact, I might be offended if you left.”

Eddie and several of the others laughed. “Best you don’t offend her,” the rancher said.

“Please stay,” Sybil whispered. “Let people accept you as Brand Duggan.”

He flicked a look at her, then returned his gaze to Cookie. “I’ve had the pleasure of tasting your cinnamon buns, and I have to say I’m not prepared to pass up a chance to enjoy them again.”

She beamed at him.

Mercy sat across the table. Linette and Eddie joined them. Roper brought his family forward and introduced them, as did Ward.

“You’ll figure them all out soon enough,” Sybil assured Brand.

The conversation turned to general things of mutual concern to those gathered in the cookhouse, and Brand sat back, listening. Sybil wondered how he felt about it all.

As people began to leave, Linette turned to him. “We have a big dinner up at the house. I’d like you to join us.”

Brand jerked to his feet. “That’s most generous, but I’ve things to attend to.” He hurried for the door.

Sybil hustled after him, catching up as he reached the outdoors. Dawg rose to follow him. “Brand, why are you rushing away?” She knew he had nothing to attend to.

He simply shook his head for an answer.

She fell in step at his side. “Promise me you won’t ride away this afternoon.”

He stopped, stared at her. “Why?”

She knew then that he’d planned to do so. “Because I’d like to talk to you some more.” She lowered her head at her boldness. “If you leave today you will still be running. Don’t you need to stop running?”

“And do what?”

He sounded truly dumbfounded, as if it was all he knew and he couldn’t think of an alternative. Finally, he nodded. “I’ll hang around for the day.”

“Good. I’ll come and visit you.”

“Suit yourself.” A grin tugged at his mouth before he strode away, and as he disappeared into the trees, she heard him whistling a little tune.

* * *

Brand stared at the fire as he ate cold beans right from the can. Dawg happily licked a second can clean.

Yes, he might have enjoyed a pleasant church service with Sybil at his side, but he needed time to think through this whole business. Who was he? A Duggan still. But what did that mean now? Could he make it mean what he wanted?

“Dawg, I plumb don’t know what came over me. I went to church. Can you imagine that?”

Dawg didn’t look up. He wasn’t real good company.

Then Brand had agreed to hang about waiting for Sybil to visit. “It sure didn’t take any persuading.” How long before she came? Or would she think better of it? “Why would a fine lady like Sybil come out here to visit me? A Duggan?”
