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Stop acting as if the Duggan gang is still a threat.

Well, even if being a Duggan wasn’t a problem, Brand was still just a cowboy with nothing to call his own except a dog, a horse, a saddle and a few items of clothing. Sybil was used to so much more.

He argued with himself for hours while the sun passed to midafternoon.

When Sybil never came, his thoughts went dark. She wasn’t coming, he told himself. He knew she wouldn’t. He wasn’t disappointed. Much.

Only enough for him to jump to his feet and kick a cloud of dirt into the fire. Might just as well move on.

Dawg rose, whined and looked to the trees. Brand’s heart took off at a full gallop. He slowly brought his head about, hoping it was her, and shielding his eyes under the brim of his hat lest she see his eagerness.

Against the sky-blue backdrop, Sybil stood there and smiled. She’d changed out of her black dress into something yellow as sunshine. Her head was uncovered, her hair pulled back like a golden crown around her head.

His tongue pressed to his teeth and refused to form a word.

“Hello,” she said.

When he continued to stare, she glanced about, saw the two empty bean cans and laughed, a merry sound that danced through the air.

“To think you could have enjoyed roast beef and two kinds of pie, plus all the trimmings and extras you could want. Linette and Eddie always put on a big spread on Sunday. Everyone is invited.” Her eyes returned to him, burning through his well-reasoned arguments like lightning.

“Maybe you’ll come to dinner next Sunday.”

He forgot all about his decision to move on. “Maybe.”

“Eddie says he could use you on the ranch.”

“Uh-huh.” Brand seemed incapable of more than grunts and one-word replies.

“Do you have other plans?”

“For what?”

“For the winter...for the future.”

Had she added the last out of politeness or did she care?

He shook his head. Why would she? He looked at her mouth. Had one stolen kiss meant anything to her?

“Do you mind if I sit?” She indicated the butt end of a log.

“Sit. Sit.” He snatched off his hat, waited for her to settle and fluff her skirts around her. He abused the rim of his hat.

She smiled sweet enough to melt ice. “It would be easier to talk to you if you sat as well.”

He grabbed another hunk of log, placed it firmly and balanced on it.

“That’s better.” She folded her hands primly. “I think it’s time to get to know the real you.”


“Yes, you. Who are you, Brand Duggan, when you aren’t pretending you’re nobody?”

Her question slammed into him and reverberated. “I am nobody. Have been for a long time.”

She leaned forward, her gaze intent, demanding. “You’ve never been nobody. Just running from what you feared you were.”

“I’ve never been afraid.” He tried to believe it, but remembered how his heart would leap when he thought Pa and Cyrus had found him. Like a few days ago, when he’d heard a quail call.

“There is no reason to be afraid. So tell me about yourself.”

He stared. What on earth did she mean?

Her eyes flickered as if she heard his silent question. “Things like your dreams and hopes. What would people say about you if you ever let them get to know you?”

He shook his head. “There are no answers to those questions.” There was one way to stop this interrogation. “What are your dreams and hopes?”

She drew back, shifted her gaze and considered her answer. “I guess I hope for a life of safety and security.”

He waited, never taking his attention from her, knowing her answer only scratched the surface.

She smoothed her skirt and sighed. “I’ve always wanted to please my parents.”

“They’re gone. Shouldn’t you do what is right for you without wondering what they would think? Seems to me that would make them proud.”

Her eyes widened, filled with protest.

In this far already, he might as well go all the way. “You should listen to your own advice, Miss Sybil Bannerman. If you weren’t concerned with what others would say, what would you do?”

She swallowed hard, her gaze riveted on his face. “I would try and publish my stories in my own name.”
