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Her cheeks were crimson and she somehow managed to look both surprised and disappointed.

Feelings he shared.

Still, another part of him was thankful. This was a business trip, not a love connection. Something they’d both do well to remember.

“Bree, I’m sorry, I—”

“Saved by the bell.” She forced a smile, then dug her hotel key card out and bid him good-night before closing her door.

Wes dragged a hand through his hair and let out an exasperated sigh. He needed to pull it together or he and the project were in serious trouble.


Bree hoisted on her backpack and made her way toward the sign that declared their arrival at the Looking Glass Rock Trail head in the Pisgah National Forest.

The forty-five-minute drive to the park had been filled with awkward silence over their near kiss the night before, something neither of them seemed willing to discuss.

She zipped her black jacket up to her neck to ward against the cool, brisk morning air. Bree secured her silk-lined knit hat, tugged on a pair of black gloves and wound a scarf around her neck.

The sun was up and the temperature was rising. By the time they’d hiked to the summit, she’d likely need to shed a few layers. But for now, her breath rose as a visible, steamy cloud in the air.

“Sure you’re up for this?” Wes set the car alarm, then zipped the keys in a backpack he’d stuffed with fruit, protein bars and several bottles of water. “The downtown walking tour is still an option.”

“And miss climbing to the top of this…what did you call it again?” They’d seen the view of the commanding rock cliff from the other side. It was a rock climber’s dream.

“Looking Glass Rock is a pluton monolith. It was formed when hot magma tried to push its way to the surface, but got stuck underground.”

“How could it have been formed underground when it’s nearly four thousand feet high?” She fastened the backpack straps that intersected her chest.

“A mountain once shielded the rock.” Wes nodded toward the trail. “Over time, it wore away, leaving the igneous rock exposed.”

Bree grinned. “Wouldn’t have pegged you for a science nerd.”

“I’m not.” A pained look briefly marred Wesley’s handsome face. He flashed an uneasy smile. “We’d better stretch, then get going. Got a full day ahead.”

They stretched, then followed some steps. The trail opened onto a forest dominated by the towering trunks of dead hemlock trees. Because of the unseasonably warm weather, many of the newer species of trees that had taken root were in bloom, despite it being late winter.

The ground was dry and the gradual elevation of the trail made for a fairly easy hike. They climbed uphill beside a small stream, then the trail took a right and crossed the creek on a footbridge.

About a mile in, the ground changed from dirt to exposed rock.

Bree squatted down to touch the cool surface. “Can you believe this was once hot, molten liquid?”

“Pretty amazing when you think about it. This could’ve been an active volcano, spewing hot lava.” Wes stepped closer, held out his hand and pulled Bree to her feet.

“Thanks.” Bree’s cheeks heated as her eyes met his. She tugged her hand free, then went ahead of him on the trail. Her pulse accelerated even more than it had from the exertion of the climb.

The trail rose in a series of hairpin turns, which made it possible to see the trail ahead and below. Switchbacks, Wes had called them. The switchbacks kept the trail from getting too steep.

Bree was thankful for the gradual increase. Despite being a runner and regular strength training, her thigh muscles burned in protest.

Along the way, Wes pointed out the flora and fauna. They’d seen cardinals, blue jays and ruby-throated hummingbirds, whose wings moved so rapidly they were a blur. Suddenly, a streak of white fur dashed across the trail.

“Was that a white squirrel?” Bree tried to pull out her phone and snap a picture, but the squirrel had zero interest in his fifteen minutes of fame.

“White squirrels are the unofficial mascot here in Brevard.” Wes grinned. “There’s a White Squirrel Festival here on Memorial Day weekend.”

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