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They parked and he opened her car door. His gaze instantly followed her mile-long legs to the hem of her dress, which ended well above her knees. Wes extended his hand to her, helping her out of the car. They made their way to the main house.

Wes had toured Biltmore before. But Bree’s amazement as they toured the home, with its beautiful atrium, lavish furniture, extensive library and impressive grounds, made him feel he was seeing it all for the first time. There was something about her wide-eyed wonder and pure fascination with the estate that reminded him how genuine she was and how much he enjoyed being with her.

Maybe he wasn’t a science nerd, but he was fascinated by history. It was the reason he’d visited the historic property, and several others all over the world, whenever his schedule permitted.

Bree squeezed his arm as she related her enchantment with the estate’s incredible library of more than twenty-two thousand volumes.

“Relax, Belle,” he teased. “There’s a lot more to see.”

His Beauty and the Beast reference wasn’t lost on her. Bree pursed her lips and propped a fist on her hip.

“I happen to love that movie, and I know every single word to every single song. Call me Belle again and I’ll start singing to the top of my lungs about the simplicity of this provincial life.” She cocked an eyebrow that dared him to try her.

“You win.” He couldn’t help but grin. “Still, you can’t deny the similari—”

Bree spread her arms and opened her mouth, preparing to go into song, when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

They both dissolved into a fit of laughter that caused the people around them to give them odd looks.

“You were really going to do it, weren’t you?” Wes asked, after they’d regained their composure and rejoined the tour.

“Would’ve been worth it to see the panicked look on your face.” Bree wiped away tears from laughter. “Besides, I need to keep you on your toes. Can’t be too predictable.”

Wes chuckled. “Mission accomplished.”

* * *

They toured the remainder of the house and the grounds together. After a tour of the winery, they sampled a variety of wines at the subsequent wine tasting, and purchased their favorites.

“Today was incredible.” Bree’s face practically shone once they were in the car and heading down the long road that led off the Biltmore property. “Thank you.”

“Glad you enjoyed it, but the night’s not over. Got someplace special in mind for dinner. You’ll love it.”

“Let me pay this time,” she said. “I know these are business expenses, but still… I should pick up the tab for something.”

“You can pay when we get to Charlotte tomorrow.” This wasn’t a lovers’ getaway, it was a business trip. Still, he didn’t feel comfortable allowing Bree to pick up the tab for dinner tonight or any night.

“Deal,” she conceded. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

* * *

Bree agreed to his terms begrudgingly.

She should be annoyed with his little game. Yet, she’d been delighted by every one of his surprises. No reason to believe he’d disappoint her now.

Bree’s belly tightened in a knot. Her anticipation over their mysterious dinner destination rose, along with a growing fondness for Wes.

They were working together as a team on a project that was equally important to their careers. They needed to get along so they could work together seamlessly.

Didn’t her fondness for Wes make working together easier?

Bree focused on the scenery as they drove through the streets of the charming mountain town. She could keep telling herself this trip was strictly business. But her attraction to Wesley Adams was blooming like a pretty, but unwanted, weed.

She glanced at Wes. Was it possible he was growing more handsome as the day went on?

Bree wanted him. There was no doubt about that. He wanted her, too. She was equally sure of that. But did he see the potential for more between them? Did he want it the way she did?

“Everything okay? You’ve gotten really quiet.”

“I’m thinking, that’s all.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”
