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But playing boyfriend to her for a week? Now that he could totally get behind. The green light to touch her, to kiss her, was the stuff of fantasies and he planned on making every second count. Because if he was going to play this role, he intended to take it all the way. He hoped like hell she knew what she was getting into.

After their little charade was over, she’d be out of his system and they could go back to being friends. He’d pushed for more years ago, but she’d shut him down, stating she was only looking for something long term. Now she’d made the first move and all he had to do was follow her orders...and touching Jenna after all this time would be one benefit he’d never forget.

And when the ex showed up, Mac planned on having a little one-on-one chat with the bastard. Nobody hurt Jenna and lived to tell about it. And no one made her feel less about herself. She was a beautiful, vibrant woman deserving of a man who would appreciate her.

And for a week, Mac would be that theory.

Mac tipped his head, rubbing his lips against Jenna’s before capturing her mouth once again. Her fingertips curled into his shirt as he slid his hands down that sultry, killer body. If he was going to pretend to be her boyfriend, he wanted all the perks that came with it.

“Oh. I’m sorry!”

Jenna jerked in his arms. Mac didn’t let her go as he glanced toward the doorway where Jenna’s mother and sister stood. They were clearly embarrassed, seeing as how neither of them were making eye contact. Mac didn’t care that they were seen during a very private moment, he actually found it rather amusing.

Besides, getting caught in the act was something he’d grown used to over the years, considering his family’s activities. Thankfully, with the right law enforcement and powerful people in his family’s back pocket, he’d never been arrested or faced charges.

When Jenna started to shift away, Mac tightened his grip. Might as well practice now, if they were going to pull this charade off for the ex. If they could make her mother and sister believe, then the ex would be no problem whatsoever. And after this week they could simply tell Mary and Amy that he and Jenna had decided they were better off as friends. An easy fix and they’d both still get everything they wanted: Jenna would get her ex to stay away and Mac would get her in his bed.

“We didn’t mean to...”

“I had no idea you two...”

Mary and Amy spoke at the same time and Mac laughed. “You’re fine. I just arrived myself and I was giving Jenna a proper hello.”

Mary’s eyes widened as she stared at her daughter. “You just broke up with Martin two weeks ago.”

Jenna remained frozen at his side and he knew she was struggling with how to explain this scenario to her family. Coming to her defense was easy.

“Martin is an ass,” Mac stated. “Jenna and I have danced around our attraction for years and we thought spending some time here away from work and reality would help us figure out if we should take things to the next level.”

“What are you two doing here?” Jenna croaked out.

Mary nodded. “I thought we could get some girl time in before the guests started arriving. I didn’t know you’d already had company, but I’m glad Mac is with you. Martin was a nice guy, but Mac is...well, you know I love him.”

Mary smiled and Mac knew he had them fooled. These three women were strong, united and had a bond that rivaled that of his own family. He hated lying to Jenna’s family. But it was necessary and nothing he and Jenna couldn’t get out of later.

Amy let out a little squeal as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Jenna, spinning her in a circle. “I knew you two would end up together. I’m so happy for you guys. I’m sorry Martin is the best man and you have to walk with him, but I promise you and Mac will have an amazing time.”

Jenna glared at Mac over her sister’s shoulder and he knew he’d crossed the line. He was going to have some explaining to do once they were alone.

He sent her a wink and a grin, which only earned him a narrowed gaze. Oh, yeah. This boyfriend scenario was going to be fun.


“What the hell was all of that?”

Okay, he’d expected her to be pissed. He’d kissed her, lied to her family and then she’d had time to stew about everything once her mother and sister had whisked her away for a family dinner. The ladies’ dinner conversation was a no-brainer. He had no doubt Jenna had been bombarded with questions that she likely didn’t have answers to all because of that kiss.
