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When he’d returned from his rendezvous with Lady Lonesome’s sister he’d been surprised and not a little irritated to find that Hugh was nowhere to be found. His mood had not been improved by the realisation that he couldn’t put the young woman he’d met from his mind, and not just because his body was throbbing with unrelieved sexual tension because of her. He’d been searching for her slight figure in the throng, but had not had a glimpse of her. From the way she’d bolted off into the night he guessed she might have decided to drag her sister off home before the chit brought shame on them both. Alex hoped they hadn’t yet quit the gardens because he wanted to see her again and find out more about her.

Once he caught up with Hugh he’d tear him off a strip. His friend ought to have realised that an ingénue, eager for excitement, might imagine it great fun to invent such a harebrained scheme.

But it wasn’t fun at all, as Hugh’s own sister could testify. She had been ostracised for a similar folly, causing heartache and financial crisis to her family, when she’d allowed herself to be compromised by a fellow with seduction on his mind.

Alex knew that he had no right to a moral high ground on that score. If Lady Lonesome’s luscious sister hadn’t fled when she had, he might have been tempted to kiss her again and finish what he’d started. He could still sense her soft flesh filling his palm, the lissom length of her leg flowing beneath his fingertips and the fresh lavender scent of her skin seemed to again be teasing his nostrils...

‘Are we to go, then?’

Celia’s petulance cut into Alex’s pleasurable reflection, making him frown at her. But his eyes were soon swooping back to a group of people close to the stage and he stared in disbelief before cursing softly in a mingling of surprise and satisfaction.

‘I won’t be going yet—I have some business to attend to.’ A ferocious determination had entered Alex’s voice and he swiftly turned his head, searching for a temporary companion for his mistress. He noticed the gallant young Hussar still watching them, so gave the fellow a nod causing him to look rather confused. A moment later Alex was propelling Celia towards her admirer. Ignoring both his mistress’s furious, suffocated indignation and Sidney Roper’s startled smile, he strode away.

* * *

‘Oh...I say! It looks as though Hugh’s great friend is heading our way. Indeed, what an honour it would be if he were to join us, Dolly,’ Edith squeaked excitedly. She started to waft a hand in front of her pink cheeks before digging in her reticule to find a small fan. Having snapped open ivory sticks, she hissed from behind them, ‘Have you spotted him, Dolly...the tall Continental-looking gentleman who appears rather severe? He is a viscount, you know...and I swear we are about to have his company.’

It seemed Edith had been more vigilant than her nephew in noticing Alex Blackthorne approaching, stony-faced. Hugh continued chatting to the group of ladies that now included Maude Chapman. Mr Chapman and his eldest daughter had James Whittiker as company and only Fiona was looking comfortable about that arrangement.

When Alex clapped a heavy hand on Hugh’s shoulder a few moments later, his arrival went unnoticed by Elise as she was slightly apart from the others, turned sideways, talking privately to Verity. The two friends had finally managed to start a whispered dialogue about what had occurred during Elise’s mission to rescue Bea. But before Elise had got very far into her doctored account, an abrupt quiet had descended close by and the change in the atmosphere penetrated her consciousness, making her turn her head.

‘ nice of you to join us.’ Hugh quickly overcame his surprise at having been rather roughly handled by his noble friend. ‘Sorry to disappear like that, but I spotted my mother’s sister in the crowd and came over to say hello to her. Let me introduce you to my Aunt Edith.’

‘Oh, but we have been introduced, Hugh.’ Edith gave the newcomer a breathless beam, hoping for a smile in return. But the viscount’s expression softened only a mite and she wondered why he had joined them if he’d sooner be elsewhere. ‘Perhaps you do not remember me, Viscount Blackthorne, but I recall we met at my sister’s—Lady Kendrick’s—when she lived in Eaton Square with her husband—Hugh’s father—because at that time he was still among us—’

‘I do remember you, ma’am, and trust you are well,’ Alex smoothly interrupted her rambling discourse before his eyes drifted, in a deceptively casual manner, to Elise.

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