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But Elise, frozen in shock as she was, knew there was nothing innocent in his regard. His dark eyes might have seemed coolly enquiring to others, but she understood the glitter of dangerous amusement in their depths.

‘Are you not going to introduce me to your new acquaintances, Hugh?’ Alex prompted mildly.

Elise started to her senses, instinctively darting an alarmed glance at her sister...and then wished she had not, for she had betrayed to him the identity of Lady Lonesome without having uttered one word. She made a small movement as though to forbid Hugh Kendrick to disclose to his friend a solitary thing about them.

‘I imagine the two fair-haired young ladies are sisters,’ Alex said silkily, the smile in his eyes deepening as Elise shot him a baleful look.

‘Oh, how clever of you, my lord, to know that.’ Aunt Edith clapped her hands. ‘Is that not clever, Dolly? Your nieces, I would say, are not that alike. Indeed, I think Miss Verity Chapman, being tall and slender, could be mistaken for Miss Elise’s sister...’

‘Oh...let me introduce my nieces to you properly, lord...’ Dolly burbled, having recovered from her amazement at being in the presence of one of polite society’s most distinguished—and rakish—bachelors. Dolly had heard the exhilarating rumours about Viscount Blackthorne’s conquests among the petticoat set and, having just gawped at length at his fine physique and handsome visage, she could understand why the ladies found him irresistible.

And now he was asking to be introduced to her relatives, and seemed particularly interested in Elise, although the silly girl seemed incapable of giving him a welcoming smile. Dolly sent her wan-faced younger niece a glance of fierce encouragement while hoping Elise wasn’t feeling too overawed by the fellow as to appear soppy or the viscount would soon be looking elsewhere. He didn’t seem the sort to suffer fools gladly.

Maude Chapman was very much hoping he would look elsewhere. The woman was feeling giddy with excitement, but she knew such an opportunity was unlikely to ever again present itself so took heart and a deep breath. While introductions to Dolly’s nieces were underway, she tugged Fiona and Verity forwards, one either side of her, to ensure the viscount was aware there were four spinsters present.

Abruptly depriving Mr Whittiker of Fiona’s company had put the fellow’s nose out of joint—Maude noted he was looking exceptionally sulky, but gave it little heed. There had been no talk yet of an engagement and Maude was glad about that as she watched the viscount paying courteous attention to her girls. Although Maude wanted her eldest wed before she got any older, in truth she knew the idea of having James as a son-in-law would be hugely disappointing. The niceties over, she dejectedly noticed the viscount’s eyes straying again to Elise Dewey and inwardly sighed. Mr Whittiker might have to do if Fiona were not to sit for ever on the shelf...

‘You look as though you’ve seen a ghost.’

The whispered words made Elise snap her unblinking gaze back to Verity. She forced a smile. ‘Do I?’

‘He is rather gorgeous,’ Verity said with a light chuckle, ‘But please don’t swoon even if he does stare at you.’

‘I won’t swoon over him, I assure you,’ Elise announced hoarsely, having brought some of her shock under control. But still she sensed her heart racing and moisture was dampening her clenched palms.

She wished he’d not made his attention to her quite so obvious. But he wouldn’t betray her antics earlier that evening, she reasoned. He’d hardly behaved well and wouldn’t want his part in the risible drama disclosed any more than would she. He and his friend Mr Best—suddenly Elise shot an enlightened glance at Hugh Kendrick and inwardly groaned. Of course! A fellow with no prospects to look forward to might be grateful for a spinster’s few thousand pounds. Elise let her eyes travel on to her sister, noticing, with no satisfaction, that Bea seemed on sparkling form as she chattered away to Hugh.

‘Will you come with me to join the other ladies and get closer to his lordship?’

Verity’s teasing words penetrated Elise’s troubled thoughts.

‘It might be the only chance I get to bask in such exalted company and be the envy of every lady here this evening,’ Verity continued on a theatrical sigh. ‘Miss Clemence’s mama has been sending us daggers for ten minutes or more.’ Verity inclined her head at a sweet-faced brunette, chaperoned by her mother. Caro Clemence had recently made her come out and was expected to do very well in this Season’s marriage mart.
