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She slammed her fist against the bread dough. Less than a week and he’d reverted to type. Would she never learn—words came easy to Ash and then he did precisely what he pleased. It would be no coincidence that Ash had started the training early. He probably hoped to keep it a secret.

‘I thought you’d want to know. It is a pleasure to watch the sell-swords train. The way their muscles bulge when they fight... A feast for the eyes.’

Kara hurriedly cleaned her hands. ‘Yes, thank you. Take over the kneading, please.’

Kara picked up her skirts and ran to the practice yard. The various sell-swords were busy training and several of the women had found excuses to watch. She clapped her hands and immediately they turned away and started to be busy about their tasks again.

In the centre, Ash stood with Rurik. Rurik struggled to lift a sword nearly as tall he was. Its overly sharpened blade gleamed. One false move and Rurik could get cut or worse. She frantically signalled to Ash to halt.

‘Ash! Ash! Rurik is too little! Stop this nonsense immediately.’

‘Watch and decide!’


‘You promised to give me a chance! Give it!’

Ash kept his gaze on Rurik, but saw Kara sit down in a huff. His neck muscles tensed. He wanted to get this right not only for Rurik, but to prove to Kara that he could be trusted. If she wouldn’t trust him with this, how could he get her to trust the marriage?

It was important that Rurik learn he needed to grow before he could use a sword. This morning he’d discovered his son standing with a sword and spouting nonsense to various kitchen boys. He had no idea where Rurik had found the sword, but Rurik needed to learn that such weapons were not toys and must be treated with the proper respect.

‘Reach like this, Rurik, not like you were doing before. You will lose your sword before the battle truly begins.’ Ash showed Rurik how to properly lunge with the sword for the tenth time. ‘You wanted to use a sword for today’s practice. Let’s see what you can do.’

The boy’s face narrowed with concentration as he copied each of the easy moves that Ash showed him. His entire being glowed.

Kara did not move from where she sat, but watched very move. Every time he glanced over, her face appeared more set. Beautiful, but judgemental and cold. His heart plummeted. Surely she had to see what he was doing—making sure his son knew how to respect a sword. He knew in his heart that it was the correct thing to do. He would beg her forgiveness if it came to it.

‘When will I be able to fight for real?’ Rurik asked, wiping sweat from his happy face. ‘Warriors need to fight other warriors. It is what they do. With proper swords. Hacking each other until the blood comes and I get scars.’

‘Who told you that?’ Ash enquired mildly, guessing the answer.

‘Virvir. He said that I couldn’t be a true warrior unless I fought. Scars are the sign of a true warrior.’

‘And when did he tell you this?’

Rurik tucked his head. ‘Last night. We arranged it. I wanted to show him what I’d learnt. He called it babyish.’

It didn’t surprise Ash that Rurik had found a way to see his friend. He hoped that within a few weeks, once Rurik began to properly train, he would see Virvir for the braggart and bully that he was. But he had to go slow. ‘Is Virvir a warrior?’

Rurik considered it. ‘No, but he knows a lot of special things. He listens when people think he isn’t there. What I’m doing is baby stuff. Real warriors use swords.’

‘And how did Virvir get in?’

‘Through the kitchens. And he told me where to find my grandfather’s weapons. It is very easy to take the sword.’

Ash knelt down beside his son, glad of the intelligence. He would ensure the weapons were moved immediately. If Virvir knew, others would.

‘The next time he tells you something, you come to me and ask if it is true, before taking a weapon.’ He put his hand on Rurik’s shoulder. ‘I have fought in more battles than he has and no longer have to listen to rumours.’

Rurik blinked. ‘You are not angry that I saw him? Mor will be. I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, Virvir said. It was to be our secret and now I’ve told.’

Ash glanced over his shoulder towards where Kara sat, face thunderous. Her two dogs lay at her feet. The autumn sunlight highlighted her golden hair and kissed her skin. He felt the now-familiar tug of attraction towards her. How could one woman be so attractive and maddening at the same time? What more could he do to show he was worthy of a place in her bed? Each time he got closer, she seemed to slip out of his grasp. He needed the final key to unlock her passion, but he was fresh out of ideas. It had to be something simple.
