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‘Yes,’ he said shortly, his arms tightening about her and holding her in place. ‘I was there. I escaped with my life, but it was one of the few times in my life I can say that I looked death in the eye. My best friend died because of rebel treachery. They broke the truce. They came with concealed weapons.’

‘Did you have your axe that day?’

‘No, I used my sword. I normally use a sword. An axe takes no skill.’

‘You were wielding an axe the first time I met you!’

‘The axe I used to break down the door belonged to Hrearek.’ He ran his hands through his hair. ‘Where is this leading, Edith?’

Edith’s heart hammered. Egbert and treachery. That failed to surprise her. She trusted Brand’s version. ‘You swear this? You will give your sacred oath on this?’

‘Ask any of my men. An axe lacks the refinement of a broadsword.’ Brand put his hand on her shoulder. ‘Edith, I know your husband died that day. Had I known what he did to you, his death would not have been so swift. I can’t even say that it was my sword which slew him. Everything went crazy when the rebels broke the truce. Sven was the first to fall. He’d been prepared to accept the terms of surrender when concealed swords were pulled out. His death was avenged. Sven Odd was hugely admired. We had been closer than brothers.’

‘I’m glad you didn’t know,’ she whispered and concentrated on the place where his tunic gaped open. ‘It makes things easier somehow. What happened, happened because of war rather than some sort of revenge.’

His fingers raised her chin. ‘You must believe me, Edith. I did not break the truce. I would never break a truce. No true warrior would. Without his bond and code, a warrior becomes little better than a wild beast.’

Edith nodded. It bothered her that she wanted to believe him. If he was near, all doubts vanished under her desire for him. ‘There is no point in dwelling in the past, but I believe you. I know my late husband and his casual disregard for the niceties.’

‘What brought this about?’

‘A rumour Godwin’s mother heard. It upset her dreadfully.’

‘What did you say to her?’

‘That I would ask you. I could hardly do more than that. She will accept my assurance.’

His lips twisted. ‘She didn’t want her son fostered with a monster?’

‘Your name is infamous. Godwin is her only son.’ Edith breathed slightly easier. She could keep from mentioning Athelstan and his accusation.

‘She should trust me. I like the boy. He reminds me of myself when I was that age. I want to be a good lord to everyone who lives on my lands and who upholds the king’s laws. But it is her choice. I make the offer once and once only. It depends on what sort of life she wants for her son.’

‘I will let her know.’ Edith balanced on her toes.

‘Good, but it can wait for another day,’ he said, putting an arm about her shoulders. ‘I want to show you something first, the reason I’ve been searching for you.’

‘What?’ She kept herself completely still. Was he going to confess about the silver and the jewels, taunt her with it? ‘What have you found?’

He dropped a kiss on her forehead. ‘Our new bath house. It is a huge improvement. I was right. Your priest was wrong.’

‘And you like being right?’

‘It is the best way.’ He led her to a stone building. ‘Have a peek in. You don’t have to go in.’

Edith peered into the room. A blast of heat hit her face. Blissful.

‘Do you want to use it now?’

She hesitated. The cup weighed heavy on her waist. She needed to put it in a safe place. Athelstan might not want it now, but some day...and then there was the question of her mother’s jewels. Where had Brand hidden them? And, more important, why had he left the cup except as a taunt and tease?

‘I’m not sure. People might talk. Allow me some time to think about it. Taking a bath like this is a huge step.’ She backed cautiously away from the door. With every step, the cup clunked against her hip. She had to hope that he hadn’t noticed it or suspected. It would be impossible to explain away and she knew Athelstan’s death would be for ever seared on her conscience.

‘Then again, perhaps you wish to return the cup to its proper storage place before I learn it is missing.’
