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The boy gave a great sniff and slowly nodded.

‘You will get your things,’ Brand said to Athelstan. ‘And I will escort you back to the hall. You are my prisoner as you should have been from the start.’

‘You will leave my wife and children here?’

‘I see no reason to involve them. You are the one the king wants.’

Edith let out a breath. Godwin along with his mother and baby sister would be spared if Athelstan agreed to come quietly.

Athelstan gave a nod. ‘All I wanted to do was to ensure my family were safe and well looked after. Will you give me your word?’

‘I give my word that they will be as long as they stay on my land.’ Brand banged his sword on the ground. ‘You have my solemn oath.’

‘Lady Edith speaks highly of you and I will accept your word.’ Athelstan paused and glanced over his shoulder. ‘Will you give me time to say my goodbyes in private?’

Brand shook his head. ‘Too many men have tried that ruse. You may say them in front of me.’

Athelstan pursed his lips together before making a low bow. ‘It was worth a try.’

‘My lady.’ Mary came over to Edith. ‘He was going to go south today on his own. He’d decided his shoulder was well enough. He wanted to tell you himself.’

Edith clutched Mary’s hand. ‘I wish I could figure out a way to allow him to go free.’

‘He was only doing his duty.’

‘They both are.’

Edith went over to where Brand stood. ‘I suppose you will wish me to stay here, rather than go to Jorvik.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘You underestimate me, Edith. You are going to go to Jorvik and you will be the one to explain to Halfdan what happened. He will be the one to decide your fate.’

* * *

Brand clung on to his temper until they returned to the hall through sheer will power. He wanted to do something and fight, not be lumbered with this dilemma.

Athelstan had gone willingly enough, but Brand knew he’d been deceived. It was fine for Edith to pontificate about her duty, but she had deliberately misled him—more than that, she’d lied to him. A lie by omission rather than actively telling him a falsehood, but a lie none the less. Edith was cut from the same cloth as his father’s wife after all. He loathed himself for caring.

How many other people were aware? Was the entire hall laughing at him? The gullible Norseman taken in by a fine pair of eyes and a shapely turned calf. So intent on slaking his lust that he failed to notice what was happening under his nose!

He’d given Halfdan his word. And Edith expected him to break it. He refused to do that. This man, Athelstan, was his enemy. Halfdan’s order made that clear. He knew where his loyalty and duty lay.

The thought that Edith considered that she could change his mind and make him forget his duty made his blood boil. He had wanted to believe that she was better than that and that she understood.

‘Keep this prisoner in the yard!’ Brand barked as they entered the stables. Two of his warriors leapt into action.

‘One of the rebels escaped, but he has been found. He will be dealt with, properly,’ Brand said at their shocked glances.

‘What shall become of me?’ Edith asked in a small voice. ‘Am I to stand in the yard as well?’

‘You are to retire to your room and await my pleasure.’ He made a bow. ‘Lars and Helgi will escort you there and ensure you stay there. I have no wish for you to go missing.’

The colour drained from her face. ‘I never wanted it to be like this.’

‘Then why did you do it? Why did you destroy what we shared? Why did you use me?’

‘I had no choice.’

‘I refuse to believe that. You always have a choice. You chose to place your loyalty with your manservant rather than with me where it belonged.’

‘I’m sorry, Brand.’ She held out her hands and Brand had the uncomfortable memory of Constantinople and the aftermath of the plot against the emperor. Teresa had come to him with tears in her eyes and blood on her hands. He’d refused to believe her guilt and had nearly died for it.

‘Sorry for what? That you were found out or that you lied to me? You are like a thief who has been caught with his hand on the chicken and wants to avoid the punishment.’

A muscle jumped in her cheek. Brand willed her to say the truth. He concentrated on breathing easily, rather than roaring with rage.

‘I will retire to my bedchamber and hope you calm down. When you reflect on what happened, you will see that I acted in your best interests. Think about how the people here will judge you and your mercy.’
