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‘No, you acted in yours.’ Summoning the last ounce of his self-control, he made a low bow. ‘Now, will you go or do I need to get my men to drag you away?’

‘I remain capable of walking.’ She stalked off.

Brand silently cursed his fate. Why did he always have to become involved with black-hearted women? When was he going to learn? His heart ached more than it had with Teresa in Byzantium. His mouth twisted. He had thought Edith different.

Brand pushed the thought away. Later he’d take time to grieve for what could have been; now he had to see the full extent of his folly.

The shocked look on the servants’ faces when he summoned the household to see the prisoner told him that the vast majority of them had had no idea. It was simply Edith and her cousin who knew.

Of the pair, Brand blamed Edith. The cousin had thrown herself sobbing and wailing on the floor. Starkad had intervened for her and Brand left the couple.

* * *

Edith stood in the middle of the bedchamber. Silent tears streamed down her face. She wiped them away with fierce fingers, but still they fell.

All her clothes were packed for Jorvik, even the bed hangings had been taken down. Silent reminders of how much her life had changed in a few heartbeats. Once she thought to be going and enjoying the splendours, maybe even convincing the king that she was the right person to marry Brand, and now she would be going as a prisoner. She was never going to return to her home.

‘I had to do what I did,’ Edith whispered. ‘Why can’t he see that? I wanted to protect him and us.’

The door crashed open and Brand stood there, glowering at her.

She knew she had to tell him. ‘What we shared was too new. I wanted to keep some happiness. I hated that Athelstan returned, but I had a duty towards him. I was selfish, but I hoped you might share my desire.’

His mouth turned down. ‘Why would I have feelings for you?’

The words cut her far more than any of Egbert’s heavy blows had done. She staggered backwards. She might have feelings for him, but he only saw her as a warm body in the night.

‘I thought we shared something special. You made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. I wanted to remake the world for you. Athelstan and his family had nothing to do with our future. I thought I was protecting you.’

‘When I need that sort of protection I will ask.’ He gave a cynical smile. ‘You were a pleasant bed partner, Edith. Untried but enthusiastic. I suppose I should be grateful that you didn’t attempt to seduce me when I came in just now.’

Edith’s cheeks burnt. Pleasant and untried? She had thought him so much more. ‘Why would I do that?’

‘Next time remember, Edith, I prefer honesty. Faithless women mean nothing to me.’

He turned on his heel and left the room.

* * *

Brand rode his horse slowly, keeping pace with the covered cart. The prisoner, Athelstan, walked behind with his hands tied and Edith rode within.

‘Why did you do it, Edith?’ he muttered. ‘Why did you abuse my trust in this fashion?’

He’d gone over and over it in his mind. Despite what had passed between them, Edith wanted everything her way. She could have confessed and asked for help when it first happened.

He’d have listened sympathetically, but he had no choice to act otherwise. Edith would have saved herself though. She would have shown where her loyalties lay. The worst thing was the knowledge that what they had shared had been tainted. It had been a lie from start to finish. He had thought she was turning to him. In reality, she had been trying to deflect attention away from her servant.

He had longed for her to say those words about sharing something special and now he wished that she had left them unsaid.

Halfdan’s orders were clear. He could not challenge something like that. It did not make it any easier to know that Athelstan was Godwin’s father and probably a good man who had been caught on the losing side of a fight. For Edith he refused to have any pity. She had made her choice long ago.

‘We halt here for this evening,’ he said, pulling his horse up. ‘Make a camp. There is water near here. I rested here on the way out to Breckon.’

Edith stumbled out of the cart. Despite the jolting she must have had, she managed to look as if she had stepped straight from the bath. His loins tightened. Despite everything, he still wanted her. And he would have her. Only, he would know not to trust her with his heart. He had considered it. Going to Jorvik had been devised as a test. There was always the remote possibility that Halfdan had forgotten about Edith’s existence and that, once he knew, Brand would be ordered to marry her.
