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‘I understood Lady Edith died in childbirth two years ago. I sent money in condolences. I understood her husband was far too grief-stricken to remarry.’

Edith stared at him. Egbert had lied. It made sense now why he had refused to allow her to go to Jorvik with him. She had been a fool not to question the order. It seemed far easier to stay on the estate and oversee everything. ‘I am Lady Edith of Breckon. We met many years ago when you first gained the throne. You told me that I had a very stubborn chin.’

‘Ah, I remember the encounter,’ the king said and tugged at his pointed beard. ‘I can see your father in you. You have his chin and nose and your chin remains stubborn.’

Edith inclined her head. ‘I take that as a compliment as my father was regarded as a handsome man in his youth.’

‘What brings you to Jorvik after all this time?’ His face grew stern. ‘I will not countenance giving you back your lands. They belong to Brand Bjornson.’

Edith glanced at Brand. ‘I know that.’

‘Lady Edith is here to support my claim that Hrearek wronged me and was killed in lawful combat when he challenged for the leadership of the felag. No tribute is owed to his relatives and he died a traitor and a coward.’

‘I saw Hrearek’s body.’ The king’s blue eyes seemed to peer deep into her soul. ‘I would ask Lady Edith to tell her story. I wish to verify everything and then I will pronounce my judgement, Brand Bjornson.’

Brand frowned, but fell silent.

Edith rapidly explained about what had happened, leaving out nothing including how she had sought to help Athelstan and how Brand decided to take them both to Jorvik. Brand started to splutter when she mentioned this, but Halfdan silenced him with a look. Brand was right when he said that Halfdan deserved to know the full truth. Finally she finished with Athelstan’s death and Brand’s promise to him to look after Godwin.

Halfdan was silent for a long while, but Edith kept her head up. She had nothing to fear. Brand laid his hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

‘Leave us, Brand Bjornson.’ Halfdan clapped his hands. ‘Leave us, everyone. I would speak to Lady Edith alone before I give my judgement.’

Brand glanced at her. ‘I will go if Lady Edith wishes me to go.’

‘I will not have you defy your king,’ Edith said in an undertone.

‘You should have allowed me to speak. You did not have to say half the things you said. But I am proud of you, Edith.’

‘No, you were right.’ Edith put two fingers over his mouth to keep him from saying anything more. ‘Halfdan needed to know the full truth. Now obey your king and go.’

Brand looked annoyed, but he obeyed her request.

‘What am I to do with you, Lady Edith?’ the king asked when all had departed.

‘Do, your Majesty?’ she said.

‘There were those who might say I should punish you as you aided one of the rebels.’

‘He was my man. I kept him hidden from everyone, but I had no intention of allowing him to stay in this realm.’

‘I understand why you helped him. I did not say that as king I approved, but as a man who has a heart, I know why you did this.’

Edith frowned. ‘Then I appeal to the man, rather than the king. Please make my punishment lenient. I promise to be a faithful subject as much as I can.’

‘Well said.’ The king smiled. ‘Your father kept the peace well. If I had known you were alive, I would have ordered Brand to marry you.’

Edith gulped. He would have ordered Brand to marry her. It would have been as she thought it might be when he first arrived. ‘Please don’t order him now.’

‘I understand you are his concubine. Do you wish to remain as such?’ The king’s eyes narrowed. ‘Or did he force you to take the position and you wish to retire to a convent? Your heart is as strong as any Norsewoman’s. You should have the privilege of choosing your lover.’

‘I wish Brand to be able to marry the woman he chooses, rather than having it forced on him.’

His eyes assessed her. ‘Even if that woman isn’t you?’

‘I doubt he wants to marry me.’

‘Then the man is a fool.’

‘You will tell him.’ Edith kept her head up. Inside her heart broke into a thousand shards. Last night, Brand had made tender love to her, but no words of love were spoken. She knew she needed more than that. She had no wish to spin dreams again. It was better to have the pain now, rather than see him grow to hate her. ‘I know the lands are in good hands with Brand Bjornson.’
