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‘Where will you go?’

She shrugged. ‘I had not thought about that. Perhaps I should retire to a convent.’

‘You may stay at court until I say you can go.’ The king nodded. ‘It is the best place for you. Now let me speak to Brand Bjornson. Alone.’

Edith’s throat closed and she could only nod.

* * *

‘You are going to stay where?’ Brand burst into the room. His eyes were wild and his hair askew. Little remained of the polished courtier who had escorted her to the palace and, in his place, Brand had become the warrior again.

‘The king has informed you?’ Edith closed the book she had been pretending to read while she waited in the antechamber and folded her hands in her lap. The waiting time was over. All she wanted was for this interview to be finished. It was best to break quickly and cleanly.

‘You are to remain at court under the king’s protection. Why is this necessary?’ His eyes blazed. ‘How do you think you will advance your people by being here rather than back at home? You belong at Breckon, Edith.’

Edith’s heart did a queer leap. He spoke of the estate as home. It would always be that for her, even if she could only visit it in her dreams.

‘The king asked me to remain at court.’ She gave a light laugh. The sound held a false note. ‘Apparently I impressed him. There is no need for me to return to Breckon. I can stay in this bustling city and really learn what it is like to be at the centre of politics. The king has promised me a place based on the respect he held for my father.’

She hoped he would not question her further. With each passing breath, this act became harder to maintain. Already she could feel the tears pooling at the back of her throat.

His lips turned down. ‘You promised to be my concubine for a year. You never break promises, Edith. Ever.’

Her throat became far too tight. She struggled to breathe. All he cared about was slaking his lust. The closeness she had felt after making love was illusory. He had told her that before. Last night didn’t make a difference to him. She took several life-giving breaths. Brand must not guess exactly how much she wanted to be in his arms. There were so many reasons why it would be wrong. Today was about getting her life back, but right now it felt like she was being sentenced to a life of unhappiness. In many ways it was a far worse punishment than losing her life.

‘Are you going to hold me to the promise?’ she whispered, concentrating on the whiteness of her knuckles.

Brand made a disgusted noise. ‘I never thought you would give up on your promise. I never thought you were a quitter.’

‘The king thought it best. It might cause difficulties if I stayed your acknowledged concubine. He expects his earls to marry.’ Edith dug her nails into her palm. He had to understand why she was doing this. It was far better to have a clean break. Waiting for him to summon whichever lady from Norway was too dreadful to contemplate. And she couldn’t have had the king force Brand to marry her. She had her pride and she’d already experienced a forced marriage. This was the best solution even if her heart ached like the very devil. ‘Did you want me to refuse the king? He was already very charitable towards me.’

‘No.’ Brand stood up straighter. He made no move to gather Edith into his arms. He wanted to haul her away and keep her a captive until she agreed to marry him. But he also knew that she had to be happy. He had this one last chance and he would take it. Of all the women he’d ever met, Edith was the one who was worth fighting for. But he hadn’t anticipated this move by her.

He had planned on spending the rest of the time they had convincing her to stay. Now she had neatly sidestepped the issue. Once again he was going to be left alone. Only this time it was worse as he knew the one person he wanted was forbidden. At least he knew she would be looked after, whatever happened.

Her face closed and took on a mulish expression. ‘I’m pleased you are being so understanding.’

‘I, too, had a conversation with the king.’

‘Did you?’ She raised a brow. ‘How good of you. I’m sure you are very relieved to get it out of the way. You need to get your life in order.’

‘He agrees with me that for the sake of the estate, it would be best if we married.’

Edith’s jaw dropped. ‘Why are you doing this? You want to have a Norsewoman for a wife.’

Brand waved a hand. ‘You have a duty towards your people. I am allowing you to do that duty.’

‘You had no compunction before.’
