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‘He is here, but I don’t see Sophie,’ Henri said in an undertone. ‘Perhaps she did return to the New Lodge. Perhaps we have been on a wild-goose chase. It could have happened, Robert.’

She started to wave to Sebastian but Robert caught her wrist.

‘Discretion, Henri.’ Robert stepped in front of her, shielding her body from Sebastian’s view. ‘Quietly. We do not want to startle him. Let me speak to him.’

‘But we need to find Sophie. He is our best hope. And if he is innocent, we need to know that as well. Allow me to do this on my own. Sebastian will tell me. You confront him and it will end in tears.’ Henri clasped her hands together. Robert had to understand and give way. ‘My way is better. I understand my cousin.’

Robert scowled. ‘I will give you half a minute to discover Sophie’s whereabouts before I make Cawburn confess.’

Henri’s heart hammered in her chest. Rather than insisting on his way, Robert was letting her try. He believed in her.

‘Sebastian likes to think his ideas are his own. The trick is making him think of the correct idea.’

‘Cawburn will do the right thing or else,’ Robert said grimly. ‘He had best understand that this is no time for his usual behaviour. And, yes, I know all about the pugs and the women he left before that. I dislike leaving anything to chance.’

‘Let me speak to Sebastian. He will do this for me.’

Heedless of the farmers’ stares, she broke free of Robert’s restraining hand and hurried over. When Sebastian did not look up, she gave his boot a little kick.

‘Sebastian! Where is Sophie, Sophie Ravel? You must know where she is. It is imperative I find her. Immediately.’

Sebastian looked up from his beer with unfocused eyes. ‘What are you doing here, Henri? Go away and play somewhere else. Your presence is not required. Run along. You must have something better to do.’

‘Run along? Where do you think I have appeared from, Sebastian? The corner shop?’ Henri tapped her boot against the sawdust. ‘You have caused me a great deal of trouble and this time you will be held to account. I’ll not be left holding pug puppies again.’

‘Never fear. No pugs were involved in this, cousin.’ He leant back in the chair and suddenly his gaze narrowed as he caught sight of the man looming behind her. A strange smile crossed his face. ‘You should be more concerned about yourself, Henrietta Maria. I have always been able to look after myself. Come out smelling like your blasted roses.’

‘Not this time.’ Henri glared at him. ‘You’re in trouble. You picked the wrong person to manipulate. Sophie Ravel is very dear to me. Answer the question—where is she?’

‘It looks from where I sit that you are the one in over her head.’ Sebastian rocked back on his chair. ‘This is a most intriguing development. You showing up here like this with the current company glowering over your shoulder. Not quite the scenario I had envisioned, but one that presents opportunities.’

Henri ground her teeth and struggled to keep from throttling him. Sebastian was well on his way to being an impossible drunk. Her earliest memories were of her father in these sorts of dark sarcastic moods. She had always hated it. ‘You had to expect that someone would come looking for you.’

‘Why would you think that? I’m perfectly fine. Perfectly fine. Thank you for asking.’ Sebastian took a long draught of beer. ‘You told me to grow up and so I have. Can’t say I like it much, though. I’m going to make my fortune in the Californian gold fields.’

‘Sebastian!’ Henri stamped her foot against the sawdust-covered floor. She stepped back and encountered Robert’s bulk. ‘Robert, you promised to give me time. Go away!’

‘You’ve had your time. I measured it with my fob watch.’ He replaced his fob watch in his waistcoat. ‘Sebastian is starting to make comments about you. I won’t allow it.’

‘You will do nothing!’ Henri glared at Robert and willed him to go. With him standing there, Sebastian was likely to behave very badly indeed. Things were going to get a lot worse instead of better.

‘Goodness me, this sounds like a lovers’ spat if I ever heard one and here I thought you were only distant friends, Henrietta.’ Sebastian clapped his hands together like an eager child. ‘What an interesting development. Deep water, Henrietta, deep water is where you are at. Be careful you don’t drown.’

‘Sebastian! You are spouting fustian nonsense and flim-flam. No one is impressed.’

‘Allow me to handle this, Thorndike. Please.’ Robert grabbed Sebastian’s lapels and hauled him to his feet.
