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‘Keep your blasted hands off me, Montemorcy. I have nothing to say to you!’

The entire public room echoed with the sudden silence. Henri winced. This little confrontation was about to become public gossip of the worst sort. She could imagine the tale being repeated on every lip from here to Newcastle and beyond.

‘Please, Robert. You promised! No violence.’

Robert gave her a quelling look. He shook Sebastian. ‘Answer me! Where is my ward? She left with you! Where have you hidden her?’

Sebastian rolled his eyes and made a considering noise. ‘I refuse to tell you while you are clinging to my jacket. And I do not believe you’ll hit me, not in front of my cousin. You want to keep her sweet, but you are deluding yourself. She’s utterly devoted to her late husband.’

An ice-cold finger went down Henri’s spine. Sebastian had tried to make a mockery of Robert and was seeking to taunt him. He didn’t know about their liaison. He couldn’t.

‘You have no idea what I will do.’ Robert grabbed Sebastian again.

‘Sebastian! Robert!’ Henri stamped her foot. ‘Everyone is staring. You must know where Sophie is, Sebastian. Tell us now and stop playing stupid games.’

‘Not until he promises to behave.’ Sebastian stuck out his bottom lip. ‘It is a point I will not be moved on. I will not answer anything while I am being manhandled.’

‘Robert, everyone is looking,’ Henri said in an urgent undertone. ‘Think! Do you want your ward’s business known and the subject of taproom gossip? What happened to no violence and discretion?’

‘Very well, Henri.’ Robert loosened his hands and put Sebastian away from him. Suddenly, like a tap being turned on, noise filled the public room. Henri risked a breath.

Sebastian rearranged his stock and brushed his jacket, taking so long that Henri was tempted to shake him herself. Sebastian was enjoying prolonging this, making Robert suffer.

‘Sebastian, stop playing games or I will hit you.’

Sebastian stuck his nose in the air. ‘I refuse to respond to threats of violence. From anyone. And you can’t hit straight, Henrietta.’

‘You constantly underestimate your cousin, Cawburn. She doesn’t issue threats. She gives promises and she makes good on her debts, which is more than I can say for you.’

Henri drew in her breath as she caught Robert’s look. A frisson went through her, warming her down to the tips of her toes. He believed in her.

‘Why should I know where that hellion is?’ He gave an angelic smile. ‘You may do what you want with her. I’m finished with her.’

Henri stared open-mouthed at him, remembering how he always lost interest once Sebastian had bedded a woman. He had gone far too far this time. She wanted to put her hands over her face and weep for the pair of them.

‘You kidnapped my ward,’ Robert ground out. ‘You ruined her good name. I will not have her becoming soiled goods.’

‘She came with me willingly enough.’ Sebastian held up his hands. ‘Never let it be said that I forced a woman. We even stopped to get her basket. Does that seem to be the actions of a woman forced through violence? My mother’s carriage goes so slowly that I suggested stopping at this inn for the night as the wheel came off. and then, well…things began to go wrong. But on my honour as a gentleman, nothing happened.’

Henri crossed her arms. She could easily imagine what the things were and unfortunately from the way Robert’s eyes narrowed, she knew he did as well. ‘Where were you heading with Miss Ravel, Sebastian? Jedburgh? Where did Miss Ravel think you were taking her? Were you going to marry her?’

‘It does not matter now.’ Sebastian made an expansive gesture, sloshing his beer over the tankard. ‘You were right, Montemorcy, as much as I hate to admit it. Miss Ravel and I would not suit. We have fallen entirely out of civility!’

Robert uttered a low growl. ‘You will be going before a priest before you do anything.’

‘Robert! We need to find Sophie and get her side of the story.’ Henri grasped his arm. ‘It will be resolved. Somehow.’

‘This is where listening to you has brought me, Thorndike!’

‘I know,’ she replied quietly and wanted to curl up in a little ball. ‘Why didn’t Sophie—?’

‘I will show you where the lady is. The lady has particularly requested that no gentleman be allowed into her room. She has barricaded herself in.’ The innkeeper’s wife made a low curtsy in front of Henri and it was clear that she had followed every syllable of the exchange. ‘Thought there was something not right about that couple, I did. I said to Mr Mumps, you watch and see if someone does not come for that poor miss. Mr Mumps kept watch all night, he did.’
