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Billy didn’t drop her gaze, but he didn’t tell her what was going on either. “I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll be there in no time. ”

She pounced on him the moment he was off the phone. “What is it? What happened? It’s not BJ, is it?”

“BJ?” He had a perplexed look on his face. “Oh! God, no, Sorrow. BJ and your folks are all fine. It’s Emerald. I’m sorry, she passed last night. ”

“Oh…” She slouched, letting the news sink in. “Poor Marlene. ” Emerald Kidd had been ailing for some time, but that didn’t make it any easier on the family left behind. She frowned, thinking. “But why was he asking about me?”

“Your folks were looking for you. The lodge was up at dawn. Your mom apparently has a bee in her bonnet to hold a reception this afternoon. Emerald was well-loved. ”

“We all loved Emerald. ” Sorrow sighed, nodded. It was what you did in a small town—when crisis hit, you banded together and you ate. “Grief,” she said sadly. “It’s feed or be fed. ” She shifted to face him full-on. “But how did they know to call here?”

“When they realized you weren’t in your bed, Bear called dispatch. ”

She slapped a hand to her forehead.

He laughed. “Our secret’s out. ”

“I’m sorry,” she said. His job as sheriff kept him in the public eye—would he shy away from the extra attention? The speculation? She was ready to jump in with both feet, but what about him? Was he even fully done with his grieving?

“Sorry?” He gently drew her hands from her face and pulled her close. “What kind of nonsense are you talking? I’m not sorry. You were here last night with me. I’m walking on air, Sorrow. I’m thrilled for people to know. ”

Walking on air. No man had ever said such a thing about her. “You are?”

“Absolutely,” he said. “Not only that, do you honestly think anyone will be surprised?”

She gave him a shy smile. “No, I guess not. ” The question of Damien and his response was one she’d consider another time. With a sigh, she pulled off the sheet. “I guess we’ve been summoned. ”

“Oh no you don’t. ” He tugged the sheet back up and burrowed deeper, snaking his hands around to grab her and roll her atop him. “They definitely won’t miss you for another hour or so. ” As he glided his hands up and down her thighs, he told her slowly, “You need to shower, and do your hair, and eat breakfast, and lots of other things that will take you lots of time. ” His hands came to rest cupped on her bottom, nestling her into place.

Her hair fell in a curtain around his face. His body was already straining to meet hers, and she wriggled suggestively. “You sure we have time?”

“Life’s short, Sorrow. ” Billy’s face grew serious, the dark glint of desire in his eyes. “We’ll make time. ”

* * *

Laura looked from her to Billy. “Well, lookee what the cat dragged in. ”

“Morning to you, too,” Billy said, unruffled.

Sorrow felt herself blush, but refused to take her sister’s bait. Today wasn’t about them. “What happened?” she asked, redirecting the conversation.

Laura’s teasing smile faded at once. “Emerald fell yesterday. She was on the porch, trying to go down the front stairs, wearing just her slippers and robe. Ruby and Pearl were in the kitchen when it happened. ”

“The poor women. I bet they feel horrible. ” It wasn’t the first time something like that had happened, but there’d been no way to keep an eye on Emerald twenty-four hours a day. Not even a nursing home could claim that. “Where was Marlene when it happened?”

Laura raised her brows. “On a date. With Sully. ”

Despite the sad ne

ws, Sorrow couldn’t help the smile that popped onto her face. “Really?”

“Yes, really. ” Laura sighed. “But talk about feeling bad. Marlene hates that she wasn’t there. Thank God she was able to catch up with Emerald at the hospital. She passed in the night, very peacefully, I gather. ”

“What do you need us to do?” Billy asked.

Laura gave him an assessing look. “So you’re sticking around, are you?”

“Marshall’s on duty today, so you best get used to my ugly mug. ” He slid Sorrow’s coat from her shoulders. “You go help your mom. I’ll see if I can occupy Bear, keep him out of your hair. ”

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