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demanded, trying to keep her voice low. She fought the urge to fan her cheeks. Had it been this hot in here

just two minutes ago? "Doing what?" he smirked. "Acting like you know me. Like we're friends." Thick

tension hovered in the space between them. God, she wanted to reach out and brush the snow out of his hair.

Instead she turned away from him for a moment and grabbed the red hat up again. "We're not." "No kidding."

He took a step closer to her. So close she could see that the blue right around his pupils was slightly darker

than the rest of his eyes. Her heart thudded in her chest and her breath came out short and raspy. Because even

though she was holding the hat she was about to buy for Daniel, she wanted to pull it over Thomas's dark hair

and pull his lips to hers. She wasn't supposed to be attracted to someone like Thomas, someone who didn't

make sense, someone who could make her lose control, someone who was right now leaning in to kiss her.

She closed her eyes, feeling his warm breath, waiting for the contact. Suddenly, the clothing rack behind them

jarred, sending Ariana tumbling forward into Thomas's chest. "Oops!" A girl's voice sounded on the other

side of the rack. "Sorry." Heart pounding, Ariana pushed away from Thomas, her eyes darting around the

back of the store. The walls were getting closer, pressing the racks of thick clothing in all around her,

squeezing out the air. She felt as if her ribs were curling in on her chest, crushing her lungs. Her temples

pulsed. "You need to leave. Now." "Ariana. What's wrong?"

Even in the midst of her growing panic, she heard the concern in his usually playful voice and was touched.

She braced a hand on top of a metal rack full of ski jackets and forced herself to breathe.

In...two ... thre

e ... Out... two ... three.... "Are you okay?" He touched her back with his palm and she flinched

away. Of course she wasn't okay. She was in the middle of a panic attack. Couldn't he see that? She had been

careless, had let her guard down for just a second. Had done it where anyone could see. It was too dangerous.

If word ever got back to Paige ...Ariana didn't want to think about what could happen. What Paige had the

power to do. Things had almost gone too far. That could not happen again. Ever.

"Just go," she said, her voice raspy. "Fine." And just like that, the concern was gone. His face shut down. And

then he was gone as well. Ariana closed her eyes and continued to count through her breathing. In ...two

...three ...Out, two, three. Until the walls finally expanded again. Until the air whooshed back and her skin

began to cool. When she opened her eyes again, the remaining salesgirl was eyeing her warily from the

counter. "We're closing," the girl said with disdain. As if she were talking to some smelly street urchin who

had come in solely to loiter and get warm. Move, Ariana told herself. Just move.She lifted her chin and

somehow made it to the front of the store, where she paid for Daniel's hat. She no longer cared if it was
