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“I don’t like this,” Josh said, standing in the center of Ketlar Hall’s common room. All along the walls, guys were hunched over their computers at the study carrels, typing furiously or reading over papers and notes. The couches and chairs were laden with last-minute crammers, trying to get in every minute of good study time before tomorrow morning’s exams. Everyone had changed out of their suits and ties and into worn T-shirts and comfy shorts, and there were bags of junk food and cans of energy drinks and soda everywhere. Suddenly I felt very lucky to not have a final at 8 A.M. tomorrow. “What happened to locking yourself in your room and not coming out?”

“I know,” I said. “But this texter person isn’t the enemy. Think about it. He warned me not to go tonight, and he was right. I shouldn’t have gone.”

“Okay, well, if he’s such a friend, then why are you bringing along Charlie’s Angels over there?” He lifted his chin toward the doorway, where Ivy and Noelle loitered, ignoring each other and waiting for me. They did look sort of spy-fabulous in dark jeans, heeled boots, and black jackets. A dripping and colorful Coach-logo umbrella dangled from Ivy’s wrist, while Noelle had propped her plain black version against the wall.

“Because they have nothing better to do?” I suggested, lifting one shoulder.

“I should come with you,” Josh said, reaching for my hand.

“No way. You have to ace AP bio tomorrow,” I reminded him, as if he needed reminding. “I’m not gonna let you screw up your entire future just to do this with me. Especially when I already have enough backup.”

“Backup? Sure.” He scoffed. “What are they going to do if you get jumped again, whip out a nail file?”

I leveled him with a glare. “Would you want to go up against Ivy and Noelle when they’re pissed off?” He sort of gulped and paled and I had my answer. “Besides, Kiran has a stun gun. She went back to her hotel to grab it and change her clothes.”

“She has a stun gun?” Josh asked, his eyebrows popping up.

“She said it’s just good sense when you’re a high-fashion model,” I replied. “Apparently, the guys in Italy are all about the groping.”

Josh was silent for a moment, pondering. Then he dropped my hand and groaned in frustration, plopping down on the nearest leather couch. He blew out a sigh and looked up at me imploringly.

“Are you sure you don’t want to just go to the police with this?” Josh asked, extricating his phone from the pocket of his cargo shorts. I’d forwarded him the text with the attachment and he still had it up on his screen. “Give them the directions and let them figure it out?”

I sat down next to him and knocked the side of my knee against his. “How about this? If you don’t hear from me in two hours, send in the SWAT team, the dogs, the helicopters. Whatever.”

Josh knocked his fist against his mouth a few times but finally gave in. “Okay, fine. It’s a plan.”

I threw my one good arm around him and squeezed. And even though I hadn’t exactly come here for his permission, I whispered a quick “Thank you,” because it was important to me that he believed in me and wouldn’t be sitting here terrified the whole time I was gone. Then I kissed him and got up, my ponytail swinging behind me. Josh rose as well, turning to watch as I joined my friends at the door.

“Ready?” Noelle asked, glancing at her phone to check the time.


“Hey, guys?” Josh called out in full voice, earning some annoyed glances from the studying hordes around him.

“Yeah?” Ivy said.

“Take care of her, okay?” Josh told them.

I wasn’t sure whether I should be offended that he thought I couldn’t handle myself, or pleased that he cared. But then, I supposed I did have a broken bone and a track record for getting into trouble, so I kept my mouth shut.

Noelle, meanwhile, looped her arm over my shoulders and squeezed. “Always do.”


“Raccoon!” Taylor shouted, pointing toward the windshield from the center seat in the back of Kiran’s rented Escalad

e. Noelle slammed on the brakes and we were all flung forward for a second before the massive SUV came to a complete stop, its tires squealing on the wet pavement. My hand flew to my heart as the raccoon paused for a moment, gave us a withering stare, and continued loping across the road.

“Okay, why are you driving my car again?” Kiran demanded, glaring at Noelle from the front passenger seat.

“Because my car was too small and we all know your driving’s for shit,” Noelle replied, slowly rolling ahead again. The windshield wipers thwapped violently back and forth, sending sprays of water into the night with each giant arc.

“Yeah. And clearly you’re way better,” Kiran complained, resting her elbow against the top of her door and her head on her hand.

“Well, maybe if any of these damn streets had streetlights,” Noelle shot back.

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