Page 63 of Promise Me Love

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Beth smiled gently, curling her fingers into his. ‘I did wonder that day you saw me in the hospital. There was an expression on your face that…’ She broke off and blushed.

He touched her cheek gently. ‘I was falling in love with you, Beth, and fighting it every inch of the way, terrified of making a fool of myself. But I want you to understand that I never once intended to use you or our marriage as some sort of a cover-up. Frankly, by that stage I was well and truly over Maggie!’

Her eyes shone with joy and she kissed him quickly on the corner of the mouth. ‘I know that now. I’ve had time to think it all through and I realise that you would never do such a thing. You aren’t the sort of a man to do something so underhand.’

‘I’m no saint, Beth. Don’t try to build me into something I’m not.’

‘Maybe not, but neither are you a sinner. It might be an unfashionable description in today’s world, but you are an honourable man, David, and I love you all the more because of it.’

‘Do you? Are you sure that you really love me?’ His eyes darkened with uncertainty for a moment, so unlike his usual arrogant assurance that her heart melted.

‘Quite sure. I’ve been in love with you for a long time now, but, like you, was fighting the idea because I was afraid of getting hurt again.’ She leant forwards, letting herself rest against him as she skimmed a line of kisses down his cheek then let her lips rest tantalisingly at the very corner of his. ‘Want me to show you how much I love you, David Kane?’

‘What an offer!’ He started to draw her to him, intent written all over his face, then grimaced as the music pounding through the ceiling increased by a few decibels. ‘What an unholy racket! There’s no way that I intend to take you up on that offer to the accompaniment of that!’ He stood up and pulled her to her feet, kissing her hard. ‘Let’s get out of here.’

‘Out? Where?’ Dazed by the kiss, which had left her aching for more, Beth held back as he tried to lead her to the door.

‘Back home…our home, that is.’ He slid his hand slowly up the length of her arm under the loose sleeve of the robe. ‘I want you in my bed, Beth, your body under mine while I stroke every delectable inch of your beautiful flesh, trace every delicious curve. I want to make you mine in every way that implies, and I’ll be damned if I intend to do it to the accompaniment of a heavy-metal band!’

Beth laughed, seeing the tension in his face, the need he couldn’t hide, which only mirrored hers. She wanted that too, so much, but it was delicious to savour the moment when they would make love for the first time by delaying it just a while longer. ‘But I’m not dressed to go out, David. You’ll have to give me a few minutes to put something on.’

His eyes swept over her in open appreciation and she felt herself tingle at the warmth of the look. ‘From where I’m standing you look overdressed for what I have in mind!’ He let his hands slip down to hers, linking his fingers gently with hers. ‘You aren’t afraid, are you, Beth?’

She shook her head, her eyes brimming with love at his consideration. ‘I could never be afraid of you. I love you too much. I was just teasing you, David. I…I want to make love with you just as much.’

Desire flashed hotly in his eyes and he pulled her closer, letting her feel the need in him to make her his. ‘My God, Beth, you don’t know how I’ve longed to hear you say that! I want to take care of you, cherish you, have you with me for all time.’ He stared into her face. ‘I want to give you a child to help make up for the one you lost.’

She smiled tenderly at him, loving him more than ever for letting her see how vulnerable he was. ‘I want all that too. So much. But do you want to know one thing I want most of all?’

‘What?’ His lips feathered a kiss against her temples, stirring the soft curls and making her shiver with sweet anticipation.

‘To hear you promise that you will always love me.’

‘That is the easiest thing in the world to do.’ He drew back slightly, his face very grave. ‘I, David, promise that I shall always love you, Beth. How does that sound?’

‘Marvellous,’ she murmured, lifting her mouth up to his. ‘Absolutely marvellous.’
