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Somewhere around the fourteenth strike, Sebastian lets out a grunt, because that one drew blood.

I want to hide behind my hands, protecting myself from the sight, the reality, the guilt. Perhaps, it’s the latter that keeps my focus on Sebastian, every muscle in my body flinching with the contact of that whip on his back. The higher the count, the more difficult it becomes for him to take the strikes in silence.

He’s not the only one. The men stand around him with various reactions, some unmoving like Mr. Bordeaux, while others are wound as tightly as Sebastian in those chains.

Landon startles at an especially brutal hit.

Liam’s mouth flattens into a horrified line as he stares at his feet.

Vance blinks in rapid succession.

After the last strike is issued, Sebastian’s barely standing on his own, the weight of his body kept upright by his shackled wrists. Blood streaks across the expanse of his back, from his shoulders to the skin above his jeans.

Pax drops the whip at his feet, his chest heaving from the exertion of torturing another human being. “If Mr. Stone agrees, let him down.”

The older man nods, and Vance is the first to move, reaching to unbuckle the cuffs around Sebastian’s wrists. He slumps toward the ground, legs too weak to hold him up just yet. Most surprising is how Liam is the one to haul Sebastian to his feet, followed by Landon. They help him to a bench, and Vance opens a first-aid kit and treats his wounds.

Wishing I could be with him, I get up from the cot on jittery legs and clutch the bars. That’s when he raises his head and meets my gaze. The breath stalls in my lungs as I prepare myself for any number of emotions in those gorgeous eyes.

Anger at my recklessness for not listening to him in the gazebo.

Hurt that I put him in this position.

But I only find love and protectiveness.

His father notices our silent exchange and is not pleased. “You need to grow up, son. Your grandfather would be ashamed that you’re still gallivanting around as if you don’t have obligations. Thankfully, he was too ill to accompany me here today.”

Sebastian shakes his head. “Only you would be thankful for someone’s illness.”

“Your mother would be heartbroken to see you like this, if she were here.”

“Don’t you dare bring her up.” Despite his weak and battered body, Sebastian stands, warding off anyone who tries to help him. “Unless you want me to bring up Caroline.”

His father frowns at the reminder of Sebastian’s dead sister. “Even after all of this,” he says, gesturing toward the shackles and the whip on the floor, “you still intend to provoke me.” For the first time since he entered the dungeon, Mr. Stone glances in my direction. “Until the auction, the queen needs to focus on her duty.” He pivots back to his son. “As do you. You’re hereby exiled from the tower until further notice.”

“No!” My protest echoes through the dungeon, and there’s nothing I can do to pull it back. Everyone’s attention lands on me, the weight of their stares pressing me back by two steps.

“Stay out of this, princess,” Sebastian warns.

Mr. Stone turns to Miles. “Take her out of here.”

As Pax unlocks my prison and passes me off to Miles, panic strangles me. “Let me say goodbye,” I choke out.

My keeper ignores my cries as he drags me past Sebastian.

It can’t end like this, with him broken and bleeding, and me with my heart shattered.

Just a goodbye, a final embrace. A touch of his hand on mine. Anything to carry us through the coming months.

But my pleas fall on deaf ears. Miles hauls me over his shoulder and stomps up the stairs, leaving Sebastian staring after us.


Gut-wrenching sobs hold me captive as Miles enters the House of Virgo. He strides into our shared suite and dumps me on the bed.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t bring this on yourself,” he says.

“I just wanted to say goodbye.”

“You should have said goodbye without going behind my back and letting him touch you.”

Hot tears slide down my temples. “We weren’t trying to hurt you.”

“You didn’t hurt me, my queen. You disrespected me.” His icy glare chills me to the marrow. “You’re one to lecture on the subject of mutual respect.”

“I’m sorry.” Another sob bursts from my throat. No matter how much I try, I can’t stop Sebastian’s agonizing grunts from looping in my mind. He took the brunt of those strikes so I wouldn’t have to. He paid for wanting me, for protecting me, for loving me.

“Can I see him before he leaves?”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Please.” I’m not above begging, so I hold his gaze, mine awash with pain. “I won’t touch him. I just need to say goodbye.”

“Why would I allow you any sort of mercy?”
