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“I’ll do anything.”

I don’t know who this pathetic, sobbing girl is, but she was born from the ash of desperation.

He quirks a challenging brow. “Anything?”

A hard swallow displaces the lump in my throat. Every time I close my eyes, Sebastian’s bloody back is there, the crimson staining my brain. I can’t let him leave like this, not knowing if he’s okay, or when I’ll see him again.


Miles slowly nods, contemplation softening his anger. “I believe you both got off too easy.” He pauses, and I count the pounding beats of my heart. “If I let you say goodbye to him, I want you to let me get you off in front of him.”

My body shudders at the thought. “You want to hurt us both.”

“I want retribution.”

My heart drops, and I shake my head. “I won’t do that to him.”

“Then you don’t get your goodbye.” He strides toward the suite’s exit and slams the door behind him, and I don’t have to check to know he locked it.

Time imprisons me. The sun sets and rises, and Miles doesn’t return. I’m not sure how many days pass. All I know is I’m desolate and alone and hungry, with a fissured heart and wounded soul. The day after I refused Miles’ offer, I spotted Sebastian entering a black SUV through the bedroom windows, a duffle slung over his shoulder. Him leaving destroyed me on a physical level, and I vomited from the mere absence of his presence.

He took a huge piece of me with him that day.

I’ve reached the end of my strength, my last thread of hope. The sun arcs high in the sky, but I’m impervious to its warmth as I stand on the balcony, aimlessly staring at the landscape but failing to see the beauty in anything.

And that’s when I entertain the idea of climbing over the railing and just letting go. It’s an unfamiliar thought—one that terrifies me so much that I curl up in bed and embrace my pillow as if my life depends on it. Before everything went south that day in the gazebo, I’d had hope to cling to as armor against the next six months. Now I can’t see past the next hour.

I have nothing.

The suite is growing darker as the day wears on, and I haven’t moved from my spot on the bed. Even if I wanted to get up, I don’t have the willpower or the strength. I fall into a restless sleep, where nightmares of blood and tragic blue eyes plague me.

Someone shakes my shoulder, his tempered, smooth voice warming me like honey. My lids are too heavy, and I’m only capable of giving a quiet groan. Two strong arms lift me off the bed and cradle my body.

“Liam?” I say, head lulling against his chest as his familiar spicy scent infuses my nostrils. It’s like breathing in a hint of renewed life.

“It’s time to get you out of here, my sweet girl.”

I finally open my eyes, and the main sitting room comes into view. Miles is nowhere in sight as Liam carries me toward the front entrance to the House of Virgo.

“Where’s Mr. Sinclair?”

“He had a dinner meeting in the village. He decided to forfeit his bid in the auction. He sent me to hand you over to Pax early.”

“No.” I stiffen in his arms. “Take me back to the suite.” I’d rather waste away to nothing in that room than go to Pax.

“I can’t do that. We’re going to see Dr. Morgan first. We’ll talk about what comes next later.”

I don’t have the energy to fight him, so I relax in his arms as he cradles me against his chest during the elevator ride to the first floor. After we exit, he gently sets me on my feet, his grip steadying me.

“Can you walk?”

“I think so.”

“How long were you in that room?” His worried gaze takes in the sight of me, now that I’m standing before him in the light of the corridor.

“I don’t know. I lost track.”

His eyes widen. “It’s been five days since the summons.”

“Then I was in there for five days.”

“Jesus Christ, what the hell was Miles thinking?”

“He wanted retribution.”

Liam escorts me to Vance’s office, and the doctor gives me crackers and juice before he removes the device. “You’ve lost some weight,” he says, concern dragging his mouth downward.

“I haven’t eaten in days.”

The two men exchange a worried glance as I tug my panties back into place. I’m wearing the same dress from the day Sebastian and I were caught in the gazebo, and I can only imagine how frightful I must look—my hair tangled, body unwashed, teeth neglected. I broke mentally, and it took six months in this place for it to happen.

“You’re taking her to Pax now?” Vance folds his arms, his tone relaying how much he detests the idea.
