Page 64 of The Husband Season

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‘I am sorry for that. I have written to Mrs Malthouse to apologise.’

‘But you came to explain to us personally.’

‘Yes, but I have other news.’

‘You have found Teddy.’ She sat forward eagerly. ‘Oh, please say you have found him.’

‘I have not exactly found him, but I know where he is.’

‘Oh, thank God! I have been fearing the worst. We must go to him at once. Where is he? Why did he not come home?’

He held up his hand to stop her flow of questions. ‘Hold hard, Miss Cavenhurst, and I will tell you.’

‘I’m sorry.’ She subsided in her chair and waited for him to speak.

‘He had taken refuge in an inn down by the docks. I think it was likely he was waiting to board a ship...’

‘Going back to India,’ she said. ‘He did that once before, but when I asked him only a week ago if that was something he was considering, he said he did not have the money to get there. Perhaps he contrived to find it after all.’

‘Possibly that was his intention,’ he said. ‘But he was unable to carry it out. He was taken by a press gang.’

‘A press gang!’ she exclaimed. ‘In peacetime! Surely that is not possible?’

He smiled. ‘If a ship is ready to sail and is short of crew, then it is possible. They will take whomever they can get, particularly if the vessel has a government cargo. Your brother was in a tavern frequented by seamen and he had earlier been drinking with some of them. They might have alerted the press gang...’

‘Oh. Can we get him back?’

‘Unfortunately when Farley obtained this information, the ship had already sailed.’

‘Your man is sure it was Teddy?’

‘Yes, your brother resisted and gave them his name in the hope they would release him. Unfortunately the name meant nothing to them and they hauled him aboard.’

‘Poor, poor Teddy. Where is the ship bound?’

‘I believe Australia. It is a convict ship.’

‘Oh, no! I have heard such dreadful tales about those ships.’

‘He is crew, not a convict, Miss Cavenhurst. Presumably he will come back on it.’

‘Whatever will Papa and Mama say?’

‘That brings me to another piece of news. I received a letter this morning from Cousin Mark. He is unable to fetch you as planned. He writes that he expects this good weather to break and would get the hay in before it does. Apparently he needs to be there.’

‘Yes, he always likes to work with the men when he can. I think he must be a frustrated farmer at heart, but why did he not write to us directly?’

‘He has asked me to take you home.’

‘You, my lord?’ she asked in surprise.

‘Yes, me.’

The flare of pleasure at the thought was immediately stifled and replace by dismay. ‘That is too much to ask. Bessie and I will manage on the stage.’

‘Out of the question,’ he said firmly. ‘I had planned to visit Mark before going back to Yorkshire, so it is no inconvenience at all.’

Sophie looked at Lady Cartrose, half hoping she would forbid it, but she simply smiled knowingly. ‘It is very kind of Viscount Kimberley, Sophie.’ She turned to him. ‘When do you plan to leave, my lord?’

‘Tomorrow, if that is convenient for you.’

‘So soon?’ She sighed. ‘I shall miss my dear Sophie and I am sorry you will be taking bad news back to Hadlea, but the sooner the better, I think. In any case, the Season is all but over and everyone will be retiring to the country. Sophie, how long will it take for Bessie to pack?’

‘Not long if I help her, but my lord, are you sure you want to be saddled with me?’

He stood up and bowed. ‘It will be my privilege and pleasure. I will call with the carriage at nine o’clock if you can be ready by then.’

‘Yes,’ Sophie said, rising to bid him farewell. ‘I shall be ready.’

‘There now,’ her aunt said when he had gone. ‘You will have at least two days in his company. If he has not made an offer by the end of it, I shall wonder what is the matter with him.’

‘Aunt, he has said he will not marry again, and he is not a man to say what he does not mean. Besides, why would he choose me, who is always into scrapes?’

‘I have no doubt he did mean it at the time he said it, but he can change his mind just as you can. All you have to do is make a little push to encourage him.’ Having delivered this piece of advice, she added, ‘Now, I suggest you go and start Bessie on the packing. There is no time to waste. I will send a note to Augusta to say you have been called home, you will not have time to go and say goodbye to Cassandra.’
