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“And how do you feel knowing that?”

There was another long pause, but I waited, knowing she was still awake. “Comforted,” she finally said. “As should you. I think Ben would want this for us.” Kissing my chest, Grey sighed softly. “Good night, Jagger.”

“Sleep well,” I murmured, but I knew sleep wouldn’t be coming for me anytime soon. Not after what I now knew. Not after my girl had just told me how she felt about the situation. There were too many thoughts and emotions coursing through me to sleep now.


September 14, 2014


I mumbled something even I couldn’t understand, and tilted my head when his lips touched my ear. As I slowly opened my eyes, I felt the pillow dip down in front of me. A pair of green eyes met mine, and I smiled when he wrapped an arm around me to pull me closer.

“Time is it?” I asked groggily.


“Hmm? Why?”

Jagger’s low laugh rumbled through his chest, and he started trailing a path of kisses across my jaw and down my neck. “Because we have to leave today, and I wanted a few hours with you before we had to start packing.”

“Just a few?” My body broke out in goose bumps when he lightly bit down on the sensitive part of my neck; and when he kissed me in the same spot, I felt his lips pull into a smile.

“Yeah, just a few.” He sat back so he could look at me again, his face serious. “You gonna be okay when we go back?”

“I think so. If LeAnn starts acting up again, we’ll call the police. I doubt she will now, though. Not with the possibility of going to jail for an extended period of time.”

Jagger nodded, his eyes drifting away as he thought over either my answer, or the possibility of LeAnn’s revenge. They’d arrested her Thursday night on charges of burglary, stalking, criminal mischief, and harassment. But with bail set at only five thousand, it wasn’t hard to figure that someone would pay the five hundred to get her out, and on Saturday, someone had done exactly that. Now she was out of jail, and the officer was telling us to get a protective order against her as soon as we were back in town.

“What about you? Are you going to be okay?”

Jagger’s lips slowly curved into a smile. “I’m fine, Grey. She can only hurt me if she hurts you, it’s you I’m worried about.”

“Well, I’m okay. I really do think she’ll do anything to avoid jail.”

“You’re probably right.” Releasing his arm from where he had it wrapped around my body, he slowly brushed my hair away from my face, and my eyes fluttered shut when his fingers traced across my cheekbones, down my nose, and across my lips.

The last three days in Seattle with Jagger had been perfect, and exactly what we needed. Friday afternoon he met with the guy who owned the gallery, and I’d gone out to a late lunch with Janie and Heather for a few hours until Jagger practically dragged me back to the hotel and bed.

I hadn’t complained.

Other than that afternoon, answering the door for room service, quick trips to the bathroom, and a shower together, we hadn’t left the bed. We’d ordered a few movies, talked about everything from here on out and what was happening with LeAnn, and spent the rest of the time wrapped up in each other. I couldn’t remember a time in my life when I was happier than I had been in this suite with him, even when Ben had been alive.

I refused to compare my relationship with him to the relationship I had with Ben . . . but I knew that if I did compare the two, I would quickly realize they weren’t comparable. Everything was different with each of them. And now Jagger was my life while Ben was my past.

There was something about Jagger that felt perfect despite everything we’d gone through to get here. There was something about the timing that felt like it couldn’t have been more perfectly planned. And there was something about the way he loved me and I loved him that left me speechless whenever I’d focus on it.

It was easy between us. Ever since I’d let go of the past, nothing with Jagger ever felt rushed or too slow. I knew that at no matter what speed we took the rest of our lives, everything would end up feeling the way it had so far. Perfect.

“What are you thinking about so hard?”

I looked up at his curious green eyes, my eyebrows rising in question when I realized I hadn’t actually heard what he’d said. “What?”

“It was like you weren’t here with me for a few minutes. What were you thinking about?”

“Us,” I said without hesitation.

“Yeah? And what about us were you thinking about?”

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