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It might’ve been a coincidence, but Henri was starting to think that when it came to him and this particular guy, there were no coincidences. Just the universe having a really good laugh as it continued to throw the two of them together to see how they’d handle each new fucked-up situation.

So far, he hadn’t handled it very well. It was just his luck that the first guy his dick was interested in had to wield a gun and a badge, because life would be too simple if Bailey worked in an office behind a fucking computer, wouldn’t it?

But when the door of the patrol car reopened and Bailey climbed out, Henri wondered how much convincing it would take for the man of his dreams to come home with him for a night after the stunt he’d pulled. A lot, he was thinking, as Bailey made his way back to him with sure, steady strides that said the likelihood of that happening was nothing more than wishful thinking.

That was probably for the best in the long run, though, because Henri getting involved with a cop would be a really stupid idea.

“Officer,” Henri said as he rested his forearm on the open window frame, and glanced out at Bailey, who was looking down at him with a frown that did nothing to detract from his appeal.

If anything, it just made him more attractive, more off-limits—which, of course, made him all the more tempting.

“So,” Bailey said, and tapped the documents he held on his palm. “I called Priest, and—”

“Shit. I was hoping you wouldn’t do that.” Henri could only imagine what he’d had to say about all of this.

“Well, I did, and he told me you didn’t steal the car. So I would say it went better for you than it could have. He also told me to let you know that he’ll be in touch.”

Henri opened his mouth to respond, but then shut it again as he thought over Bailey’s words. “You really thought I stole his car?” When Bailey said nothing to disagree, Henri added, “I told you I didn’t.”

Henri couldn’t be certain, since it was still dark outside, but he was almost positive Bailey’s lips twitched as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

“If I believed everything a person said to me when I pulled them over, I’d be out of a job.”

Good point, Henri supposed, but… “I doubt you’ve invited every single person you’ve pulled over to spend the night with you either, have you?”

Bailey’s lips went from a grin to a scowl in less than a second. “Something you decided you weren’t interested in, if I recall.”

“Oh, I was interested,” Henri said. “It’s just…something came up that night.”

Bailey said nothing, just held the license and registration out. As Henri reached for them, Bailey tightened his grip. “I should be writing you a ticket.”

“Then write me one.”

Bailey licked his lips, his fingers still tight on the papers between them, as a war between his body and mind played out right before Henri’s eyes.

Then he let go of the items. “Where were you going so early this morning, anyway? This weather is pretty bad for a joyride.”

Henri knew he didn’t have to answer that now that Priest had confirmed the car wasn’t stolen. The only thing Bailey had on him were the driving violations, and his answer here wouldn’t change those, one way or another.

“Maybe I spent the night at someone’s house.”

Henri wasn’t sure how Bailey would respond to that, but when he automatically asked, “Did you?” Henri figured things were definitely looking up—something his cock was in agreement with.

“No…I didn’t.” A smile slowly curled his lips at Bailey’s irritated expression, and Henri liked to think that just maybe the officer had been having the same difficulties sleeping lately that he had. “I’ve been too busy regretting a night from two weeks ago to go and look somewhere else.”

Bailey eyed Henri closely, obviously trying to decide whether to believe him. But just in case there were any lingering doubts, Henri added, “I’ve been dreamin’ about you. About that night and what it would’ve been like.”

Bailey slowly nodded and braced a hand on the car roof. “Guess you should keep dreaming, then, because now you’ll never know. I’m letting you go with a warning this morning. If I stop you again, you won’t be so lucky.”

Bailey straightened and headed back to his car. Henri watched him go and couldn’t help but think he just might risk getting arrested if it meant getting a chance to talk to that man again—or at least risk a visit to a certain Priest to get that hot cop’s number.

“I’VE BEEN DREAMIN’ about you…”

Henri’s words had been on repeat in Bailey’s head ever since he’d left him back in the rain nearly three hours ago. But as he pushed through the front door of his mid-century home, he headed straight for the kitchen, determined to have a quick bite to eat before falling into bed and switching his brain off.
