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Henri’s knowing smirk made it impossible for Bailey to think of anything other than how his lips would taste, and that was the only excuse he could come up with as to why he said, “I want that night.”

That devilish grin morphed into a dangerous smile that made Bailey’s heart thump harder and faster than it ever had before, and when Henri looked to the menu in his hand and said, “And do you want dinner?” the word no was out of Bailey’s mouth before he could think twice.

Henri lounged back in the booth, those gleaming eyes sweeping over the rest of the crowd eating and drinking the night away, then he looked back to Bailey and said, “If we leave now, without ordering a drink or any food, everyone in here is going to know exactly why.”

Bailey agreed. He’d already noticed several other customers glancing in their direction. Not that he was all that surprised; Henri was hard to ignore, and dressed as he was tonight, it was close to impossible not to notice him.

“Does that bother you? That the good, respectable people sitting here in this restaurant are going to know that we’re going home to fuck? That you couldn’t wait, not even through one drink?”

Bailey sucked in a breath. Henri’s words were unlike anything anyone had ever said to him before, and something about that was both freeing and incredibly arousing. It made him want to throw everything he would typically do aside and just…go for it.

“And how are they going to know that?” Bailey said, neither confirming nor denying that Henri’s plan was exactly what he wanted.

Henri slid out from his side of the booth, and as he straightened to his full height beside the table, Bailey saw several customers look in their direction. He didn’t care, though; his attention was fixated on Henri, who now had one hand on the back of his seat and the other on the table.

Henri leaned down until his lips were mere inches from Bailey’s. “They’re going to know because you’re looking at me like you can’t wait to get under me.”

Bailey wet his suddenly dry lips with the tip of his tongue, and Henri made a sound in the back of his throat that was so damn sexy that Bailey’s erection tested the zipper of his pants.

“So,” Henri said. “I’m going to ask you again. Does it bother you?”

It should’ve. Bailey knew that just as he knew that the man he was about to go home with was unlike anyone he’d ever been with before. But before he could think too hard about that, he opened his mouth and sealed his fate. “No, it doesn’t.”

Chapter Twelve


I know most people think shy guys finish last.

But I plan to make sure Bailey finishes first tonight.

JUST AS HENRI suspected, all eyes were on him and Bailey as they made their way out of the restaurant toward the front doors. No drinks had been ordered, no food decided on—the only hunger that was going to be satisfied tonight was the one that had been growing between them since they’d met.

As Henri walked by the hostess stand, Claire gave him a worried look before her eyes flicked to Bailey, who was barely a step behind, and just as Henri had predicted, a knowing light hit her eyes.

Henri threw a wink in her direction, not ashamed in the slightest as he pushed through the doors, and as he came to a stop by the valet stand, Bailey stepped up beside him. Henri grabbed the ticket from his pocket and handed it over to the man who had originally parked his vehicle.

“Next question for you, officer,” Henri said. “Your place or mine?”

Bailey chuckled and he shook his head, and Henri arched an eyebrow. “You asked me the exact same thing two weeks ago.”

Henri smirked; it seemed his hot cop had been replaying that night too. “At least I’m consistent.”

“Let’s hope that’s not true, or once you get in that car, I’m never going to see you again.”

Henri turned and stepped in front of Bailey so his back was to the road, and when barely a breeze was able to fit between them, he said, “And that would be a bad thing?”

Bailey bit into his bottom lip as if deciding what to say next. “That would be a…frustrating thing.”

“Hmm. How about I make you a promise.”

Bailey looked intrigued but said nothing.

“I won’t leave your sight tonight until you are completely satisfied.”

Bailey swallowed, his eyes dropping to Henri’s mouth, and Henri wondered which part of his body Bailey was imagining it on. He sure as fuck knew which part he wanted it on.

“One night?” Bailey said, that reassurance obviously helping with any last-minute doubts he might’ve been having.

But just in case he needed further incentive that tonight he could do, and be, whoever he wanted and Henri wouldn’t judge him, Henri nodded. “I promise you one night, but you have to stop thinking and enjoy it. And in the morning, I’ll be gone.”
