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Bailey opened his mouth as if he was about to respond when the Aston Martin pulled up behind them. As the young man climbed out of the classic, Henri said, “So? What’ll it be? Your place or mine?”

He could see the wheels turning behind Bailey’s baby blues. “Have you got your phone? I’ll give you my address. I’m going to have to call an Uber. I didn’t drive here tonight.”

Henri glanced over his shoulder toward the car waiting behind him, and then turned back to Bailey and couldn’t help his devious smile. “What’s the matter with my car? Still think I stole it?”

Bailey scoffed. “I don’t know what you did to get that car. But somehow, I don’t think Priest gave it up willingly.”

The valet handed him his keys, and Henri flipped them around his index finger and shrugged. “In all honesty, I couldn’t tell you if it was willing or not. I wasn’t there when I told him I was taking it.” Bailey’s eyes widened a fraction, and Henri chuckled. “But I didn’t steal it, and that’s what counts. Especially to someone like you, right?”

“But not someone like you? You think it’s okay to go around stealing cars?”

Henri took a step back, gave Bailey a scorching once-over that was designed to arouse, and then winked. “Nah, stealing has never really been my thing.”

Before Bailey could fire back with the what is your thing? question that just entered his eyes, Henri spun on his heels and walked around the hood of the car, flipping the keys as he went.

He pulled open the driver’s-side door and rested his arms on top of the roof, looking to where Bailey was still watching him.

“Moment of truth. Do you stay or do you go?”

Bailey eyed him from the safety of the other side of the car, his expression a mixture of indecision and need. But when he finally took a step forward and reached for the passenger door handle, he looked Henri directly in the eye and said, “One night, no thinking—”

“And then I’ll be gone,” Henri finished for him.

Bailey nodded, pulled open the door, and then said, “Then let’s go.”

AS BAILEY PULLED the car door shut behind him, and Henri slipped into the driver’s seat and did the same, he realized very quickly just how tight the confines of this sporty little classic were.

The red leather seats had been perfectly matched for the era, and the chrome gearstick that sat between them nearly touched both their knees. He was a tall man at six one, but Henri was even taller, and as he buckled up beside Bailey and his hand brushed up against his leg, Bailey was made very aware of just how close they were now sitting.

The air in the car all but crackled with anticipation, as Henri turned the key and the engine purred to life.

Bailey still couldn’t believe that he’d left a restaurant without ordering anything to eat or drink, all so he could get Henri somewhere alone, somewhere private, somewhere where he could finally ease the ache this man had stoked to life two weeks earlier.

But as Bailey gave the first set of directions and Henri pulled out onto the road, he realized that was exactly what he’d done.

“Have to say, I’m a little nervous.” Henri’s comment was so unexpected that Bailey let out a sound of disbelief. “What? You don’t believe me?”

“You don’t exactly strike me as the type who gets nervous in this kind of situation.”

As Henri drew the car to a stop at a red light, he looked at Bailey and grinned. “And what kind of situation might that be?”

Bailey rubbed his palms over his thighs as he looked into Henri’s teasing eyes and thought, Stop thinking. You said you’d stop thinking, so turn your brain off and just be whoever you want. “This. A hookup.” Okay, be someone cooler than that.

“You have a point. But I’m not nervous about fucking you. I was referring to the fact that I was driving home with an officer of the law. One who pulled me over just recently for speeding.”

The wicked glint in Henri’s eyes told Bailey he’d just been caught with his mind in the gutter, but he wasn’t about to feel ashamed. He’d been given free rein for the night, a chance to unwind and forget what he did for a living, and he was quick to remind his passenger of the deal they’d struck.

“I was told not to think tonight, at least not like me, not like a cop. So I think you’re safe; just try not to break any obvious laws.”

The soft, raspy chuckle that rumbled out of Henri felt like a nice, long stroke over Bailey’s cock.

“I think I can handle that for one night. All the things I have planned for you are legal in most states, as far as I know.”
