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As he played with the silver bars beneath the tight fabric of Henri’s shirt, Henri smoothed his hands down to Bailey’s ass and pulled him in close.

“It’s one of my best skills.” Henri kissed his way up to Bailey’s ear as Bailey thrust his hips forward. “How about we initiate the new office?”

Bailey turned his head and captured Henri’s mouth, stealing another kiss. Then he sighed and slipped his hands under Henri’s shirt. “I’m liking that idea…a lot.”

Henri rubbed his hand up against the erection Bailey had no hope of hiding. “Mmm, I can tell.”

Bailey rocked into Henri’s hand as he twisted one of his piercings, and when Henri groaned and tipped his head back, Bailey licked a path up his neck. He bit at Henri’s chin and pushed him back into the desk. As Henri put a hand on the desk to move up onto it, a loud hiss echoed through the office. Bailey jerked away from Henri, his eyes going wide, as he saw a tiny ball of grey fluff scurry off and hide behind one of the shelves.

“What the hell was that?” Bailey said, as he peered over the desk, his arousal now well and truly taking a back seat to the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Henri let out a put-upon sigh as he adjusted the hard-on in his jeans and then shoved off the desk. He walked around it and looked behind one of the shelves, then reached down and pulled out a tiny grey and white kitten that was purring up a storm.

“Yeah, he came with the office, so I kind of gave him some food. Haven’t been able to shake him since.”

The kitten began rubbing up into Henri’s neck—not that Bailey could blame him. “Well, he’s yours now.”

Henri held the kitten up, and when it batted at his nose, he grinned at Bailey, whose heart all but tripped over itself. The two looked adorable together.

“Don’t you mean ours?” Henri said. “Or have you already forgotten you asked me to move in with you at Christmas?”

Bailey chuckled and pushed Henri away. “As if I could forget. You remind me every morning when we wake up how many days of freedom I have left.”

“And how many days is it?”


“That’s right. Three days, and then me and…” Henri looked down at the kitten, who was now curled up against his chest.

“You don’t have a name for him?”

“No.” Henri shrugged. “He’s never been around long enough for me to give him one. Always up and vanishing.”

A smile slowly curled Bailey’s lips as he reached out and scratched the kitten behind its ears. “How about Ghost? You know, since it no longer fits you?”

Henri grinned. “I love it. It’s purr-fect.”

“Dork.” Bailey laughed, and around thirty minutes later, after Henri had shown him all around, they stepped out the door with Ghost in tow. As Henri locked up behind them, Bailey looked past his shoulder at the door, still not able to believe they could finally move out of that dark little basement.

“Oh my God,” he said, and shook his head. “You let me be on top.”

Henri smirked as he looked to the glass pane of the front door, engraved with: Bailey & Boudreaux Private Investigators. “Of course. That’s where I like you best, officer. Right on top of me.”

Bailey took Henri’s hand and entwined their fingers. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Henri said as Ghost let out another ear-piercing yowl. Bailey kissed him on the head, falling a little harder for the needy kitten.

“I think we better hurry up and get him home before he up and vanishes on us.”

“Nah, I don’t think he’s going anywhere,” Henri said. “You see, like me, he knows when he’s found something special. Something worth staying for.”

As the two—no, three—of them walked out of the building, Bailey looked at the wonderful man beside him and couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to have run into Henri Boudreaux that day up in Oshkosh, because he really was a charming bastard—and luckily for Bailey, Henri was all his.
