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Merely two hours ago, Rye and I had lamented our failure to find a bride, or at least a marriageable bride and now, here she was, tucked up sweet as you please in our hotel room.

I could not resist and glanced over at Rye to say, "Told you so." Then I put Lily's hand to my mouth and kissed each finger, the center of her palm before I joined her in the bed again.

Rye had done the same, with an uncharacteristic grin on his face. He hadn't even minded my claim to have predicted our good fortune.

Love changed people. Even Rye.

The three of us lay there, beneath the covers, semi-undressed, and sort of stared at each other as we let the events of the last few minutes sink in.

"I-I can’t believe this," Lily finally said. "It is like a dream come true." Her eyes shone bright, and she gazed first at me and then at Rye. "I have a feeling my neck will get sore from turning from one to the other of you." She laughed shyly at her little joke.

My cock nearly exploded.

"You have made us both incredibly happy, Lily," Rye said. "We cannot wait to take you back to Bridgewater with us."

"Oh," I said, sitting up a bit straighter, "I nearly forgot." I glanced at Lily and smiled. "I was distracted." My gaze lingered on the opening of her corset, and she flushed prettily. "One of the deputies mentioned we ought not to stick around town too long. Apparently, Lily’s former employer is a man of some influence around here."

Lily gasped, and her eyes went wide. "Oh, yes. He is." She sat bolt upright in bed and tried to climb over me to get out. "We need to pack our things and leave right away."

"Woah, there, sweet Lily," I said, blocking her path and positioning her so she straddled my waist, her skirts—which I ached to remove to reveal the sweet cunny below—billowing out around her.

"B-but, you don’t understand." I could feel her quiver against my waist. "He’s extremely powerful. And vindictive. Oh dear, we must go. I have brought all this trouble upon you. I’m so sorry."

Rye and I exchanged a glance, and then he spoke. "We are honorable gentlemen and we hide from no man. We have already planned to leave in the morning, and that’s what we shall do. I’ll go and find a pastor or justice of the peace so we can do things up legally tonight before taking you back to our home at Bridgewater."


I put a finger to her lips. "Do you trust us, Lily? For if you do not, then a marriage shall be quite a challenge indeed. You have not known us for long, but in that time we have conducted ourselves as men of character, have we not?"

"Ye-yes," she replied, her pink tongue darting out to wet her lips. Was she trying to kill me? How could I focus when my mind filled with images of that pink tongue lapping at my thick cock?

"And you have agreed to be our bride, and that means you will follow our instructions at all times, particularly when it comes to your safety and well-being. Do you understand?" Rye spoke in a calm but firm tone. This was a pivotal point in our relationship. If she did not trust us or wish to follow our leadership… well, we’d have to have a serious conversation about that.

"I-I… yes, I do. It is just … well, I have never… " She paused and looked away for a moment as if thinking before turning back to us. "It is difficult for me to rely on others. In my experience, they have always let me down."

I cupped her face in my palms. "I am sorry for all those wretched souls who let you down. And I will be even more sorry for them if I should ever encounter one for I will happily give them the same treatment I gave Mr. Garner, or worse." A corner of her mouth turned up a bit. "But Rye and I will never let you down. You will always come first for us, no matter what."

Rye reached over and took both her hands in his. "It’s the Bridgewater way. Two men to take care of a woman’s every need. I vow to you Keane or I would gladly give our life to protect yours."



* * *

It was a mad scramble, but if we planned to marry that night, we had to move fast. While Keane went down to my former room and collected my few belongings, Rye dressed and went in search of an official to marry us.

I was alone for only a few minutes, but enough for my anxieties to rear their ugly heads. This was madness. I knew nothing of them, their backgrounds, their families. And they knew nothing of mine.

As my mother used to say, "Who are their people?"

I righted my clothing and checked myself in the mirror. I was their people, and Rye and Keane were mine. It was as simple as that and, in my heart, I knew it was true.

Keane returned with my things, such as they were. I took the bag and sorted through for a dress appropriate to wear for my wedding. As I laid the contents of my carpetbag on the bed, I did a quick inventory. Puzzled. I looked things over again. Of course, I had left the Garner home in a rush. so perhaps I had not gathered everything that belonged to me, but the drawers I had been wearing before my bath were missing. They were my only set tied with a blue ribbon.

I shook out each article of clothing and opened the bag as wide as it would go in order to see into the corners.

"Is everything all right, Lily?" Keane asked.

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