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"I-I seem to be missing an item, but that makes no sense. I am probably confused. It has been an eventful evening."

"I searched around the room carefully and brought everything I found," he replied, leaning toward me with concern. "What is missing? Shall I go and check again? I'd hate for you not to have your things with you. Who knows how long it might be before we return to Butte."

"Oh, no, please don't trouble yourself. It—it's nothing." I went back to my clothing, selected a dress to wear for the wedding then folded the rest of my garments and returned them to the bag.

Keane came to stand by me, grasping my arm and stopping my progress. "Lily," he said, eyes intense, "what is missing?"

I blushed and wished I'd never mentioned anything about it. No doubt it was my own error. "I am sure I am mistaken," I replied and moved to resume my task.

Keane continued to hold my arm. "Do you remember what we told you a few minutes ago about honesty? I must also tell you, Miss Lily Snow, Rye and I are not ones to spare the rod and spoil the spouse. Now, you have until I count to three to tell me what is missing so I can go and find it, or I will turn you over my knee right here and spank that pretty bottom of yours."

I gasped. "No! You wouldn't."

He raised a brow at me. "Do I look like a man who would bluff about spanking your pert backside?"

A heated flush moved through me.

"One," he said, his gaze and voice indicating he was not bluffing.

"I-I can't."

"Two." He put his foot on the bedrail and patted his thigh, indicating his intent to put me over his knee. "No secrets bet

ween us, remember?"

Oh lord. He was right, but this was too awful. Too humiliating.


I found myself over his firm thigh, my skirts up and my drawers pulled open.

"No! Please, stop!"

"Too late, little Lily. You had your chance. Now you are going to get a spanking, and you still have to tell me what is missing."

His palm slapped down on my backside with a smack. Never in my entire nineteen years had I been spanked. I was a good girl.

He swatted again, this time on the other side of my bottom. No one had ever touched me there, at least not since I was a child. After the second swat, his palm lingered, stroked.

My breath halted in my chest. The swatting resumed, alternating left and right on my rear end.

"It's going to be rather embarrassing when Rye returns for him to walk in with the justice of the peace to find you like this, don't you think?"

"Oh, please. I'm sorry. Please stop."

He paused for a moment and righted me. His strong fingers gripped my waist. "What is missing, Lily? Tell me now."

I hesitated, and he started to tip me back over his rugged thigh. "My drawers. A set of my drawers, the ones I was wearing earlier today, are missing. They have a blue ribbon."

Keane smiled and gave me a gentle kiss. "Good girl. Now, I will go and make another check of the room, and that will give you a chance to get changed. We're getting married tonight!"

After he left, I put on my prettiest dress, checked myself again in the mirror, and tried to tidy my hair. Rye and Keane had removed the pins and mussed it a bit.

I also took a moment to examine my backside where Keane had spanked me.

Spanked me!

I must also tell you, Miss Lily Snow, that Rye and I are not ones to spare the rod and spoil the spouse.
