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“She has a point, at least about having ventured past where we told her. Do ye think she feels like she needs to be spanked?”

“Aye, I do.”

“Then, it’s up to us to give her what she needs.”

They finished getting the horses bedded down for the night.

“Lizzie?” Gavan called and she looked up. “Come here, wife,” he said in a mildly stern tone.

She joined them. “Did you see the riding skirt Cae got me, and the pretty blouse? He bought me a new chemise, corset, stockings, and boots as well.”

“Aye, Caelan tends to spoil ye, even when ye’ve been naughty.”


Gavan nodded. “Were ye not told to not go beyond the bend in the river?”

“Yes, but…”

“ ‘Tis yer butt that’s going to pay the price. Gavan and I talked it over and we think, if ye’d minded us, the sheriff might not have snatched ye. While we’re proud of how ye handled yerself, I think ye’d agree that yer still owed a spanking for your disobedience. Don’t ye?”

Gavan’s heart broke when she nodded, tears welling in her eyes.

“I wouldn’t have had to…” She stopped herself.

“Ye wouldn’t have had to what? Do whatever ye had to in order to survive? Stall for time so we could find ye? Did ye lie to us about yer feelings about this afternoon?”

“Maybe a little,” she admitted.

“Maybe, then, we were wrong not to spank yer pretty bottom,” said Caelan. “Take yer clothes off, Lizzie, and come put yer hands on the log.”

“I thought you said a spanking…”

“I did. Get yerself naked and come get in position. We’re going to spank yer bottom in tandem.”

Gavan realized Caelan was right. Lizzie needed to be spanked to atone for whatever she felt she’d done wrong. Even though they disagreed with her, she needed this, and they would provide what she needed.

Once she was in place, they took up a position on either side of her.

“I think her arse is the wrong color, Cae, don’t ye?”

“Aye, it’s far too fair. And she’s an arse just made for her husbands. There’ll come a time, Lizzie, that ye’ll get yer arse fucked when ye’ve misbehaved on top of yer spanking but, since yer not ready for that, we’ll just have to put enough sting in yer tail to make it count.”


* * *

She placed her hands on the log, making her body perpendicular to it. She took a deep breath and exhaled it in a yowl, propelling her up on her tiptoes when both of their hands landed harsh strikes to her ass at the same.

Caelan took off his bandana and stuffed it into her mouth. “Ye’ll take yer punishment with a bit more grace and a lot less noise than ye usually do.”

They began landing one blow after another on her backside. First Gavan and then Caelan; first one side and then the other.

She bit the kerchief to keep from screaming. Nothing had ever hurt so bad or felt so good and so right. Left! Right! Smack! Thwack! They walloped her behind until she couldn’t tell if she was in heaven, or hell.

The pain was intense, but so was the arousal knowing they loved and cared for her enough to give her what she needed. With each swat that landed, her pussy throbbed in anticipation and need. Desire for these two men coursed through her veins and, each time one of their hands landed, it not only added to the fire they were ignighting all across her ass, but deepened her commitment to them and increased her need for their passion and dominance.

She hadn’t realized they had stopped until she felt Gavan’s two fingers penetrate her.
