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He’d stupidly remained sitting, easily allowing me to dump the scolding caffeine over his head.

His skin sizzled and burned. He bellowed, his hands flying up to pointlessly swipe at the liquid.

I swung the pitcher and cracked him in the back of the head, sending him to the ground. Blood immediately began to pool in his dirty blonde hair, dripping onto the ugly tiled floor.

Moving quickly, I tied him up with the thick chains I’d brought, clicking a padlock shut around his neck. The weight of it all forced his body to slump in a hunchback position.

By the time I was finished, Elias was watching the festivities from the doorway and Sergio was securing Abby the same way.

When Alex finally stirred, the first thing he saw was his girlfriend restrained. She was a shaking, pissy mess.

The right side of her face was swollen; a few of her teeth were missing. She was in nothing but her birthday suit. Every time I inhaled, I breathed in the putrid smell of coffee, urine, sweat, and kerosene.

"Do you know why Abby is naked?" I asked Alex. With a bloody dish towel wedged in his mouth, he couldn't answer me.

"She decided to fuck my little brother in your bed."

“She’s quite the catch,” Elias cut in, patting him on his sticky head before circling behind Abby’s chair.

"See?" he taunted, reaching down and spreading the mousey redhead’s legs apart.

A strangled sound that could only be described as an angry sob came from his mouth.

"It's a shame, isn't it, when someone you trust betrays you." I moved behind Abby’s chair and pulled her away from Alex. Then, I looked to my brother.

"Did you bring it?"

"Of course." He fished in his pocket and tossed me the blue lighter he’d brought for this special occasion.

"I'm not going to kill you yet, Alex. That would be too kind of me." I grabbed the extra containers of lighter fluid and began to dump them around the kitchen. Someone could get high off the fumes that permeated the air.

Lighting a rolled up piece of old newspaper, I approached Abby and lifted a strand of her fuel-soaked hair.

Simultaneously, they both began screaming behind their gags. I held the flame to the red strand and watched it ig


Abby screeched in terror and pain. Grabbing the back of Alex’s chair, I dragged him towards the doorway, making sure he remained facing the woman he claimed to love, the one who had his engagement ring on her finger. I wanted him to remember her suffering before I put him through his own.

Just as I crossed the threshold to leave, Abby tipped over, making her situation ten times worse as fire rapidly spread around the kitchen.

I knew the flames would be burning the epidermis layer of skin, causing it to peel away. After a few more minutes, the dermis would begin to shrink and split open, causing her body fat to leak out.

If she got lucky, she’d be dead before that happened. Worst case scenario, it would be fuel for the fire. Continuing to drag a hysterical Alex out of the house, I smiled to myself.

My last stop wasn’t a planned one.

The minute I got my confirmation call, we headed to the Rias estate after dropping Alex off at the stables.

As I stared up at the building, I wondered why I hadn’t just torn it down.

It stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all the other homes due to its lack of upkeep since Ricardo and Rihannon Rias ceased to exist.

They’d left the door unlocked, allowing us to walk right in. The men I’d called for a small favor hadn’t arrived yet.

The house was sterile inside, dark and cold. It was far beneath Elena’s caliber.

“Haven’t been inside this tomb this much in years,” Sergio muttered, closing the front door.

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