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I LEAVE THE SALON feeling refreshed and brand new; my burgundy locks now have a hint of brown hues mixed in. Now, to make my face feel as good as my brand new hairstyle. Passing the shops on my way to the car, I almost make it when I’m stopped by the perfect window display. Holy mother of hotness, I need to have this dress. The black sleekness, with a touch of sexy, is so unlike me, and that’s exactly why I have to have it. I mean, I know it won’t make a difference, but I want to feel sexy, because I hope to catch the eyes of a certain dirty blond, with eyes like the dang Caribbean. He may not take the bait, but he might like the show.

Shooting a quick text to Lana, I make my way into the store.

Me: Girl! Trey invited us out tonight, and I couldn’t resist his face. We’re going! I’m buying this amazing dress, pics coming your way soon!

L-town: Oh, are we? Damn that face. #amIright :p

I giggle and roll my eyes.

Me: I know, I’m hopeless, freaking screwed I TELL YA!

L-town: Is Kingston going to be there? <3 <3 I mean, say yes or you may be literally screwed. I need something to do while you soak your tarp, aka your panties!

I swear Lana can be so dang vulgar for someone with a wide vocabulary.

Me: Really? GOD YOU ARE SO NASTY! But yes, as a matter of fact, he told me to invite you.

I know my brother likes Lana, he has since we were younger; no one could deny or miss the tension rising between them. Lana talks a big game about me needing to man up and go after Trey, when she’s doing the exact same thing with Kingston. So, pot meet kettle.

Not even twenty seconds after I press send, my phone starts vibrating in my pocket.

“Hello, L”—I laugh—“that didn’t take too long.” I hear her heavy breathing coming through the phone.

“Are you trying to kill me, or are you trying to kill me?” Walking into the fitting room, I lock the door and hit speaker.

“Nope, I was actually trying to be casual, but you took it for what it was.”

“Bullshit, all the bells and whistles were alarmed with your last text, jerk!” She pauses. “Maybe he does like me… Nah, no, probably not!” The battle in her mind is almost as palpable as the dilemma that is Trey and me. “Ugh, get home, we need to get ready asap! I have to look a little slutty, but not like I’m desperate.”

“Aren’t you though?” I laugh and turn to face the mirror. “Shit.”

“What?” she asks me in a rushed whisper.

“This dress is amazing, I’m buying it, I’ll be home soon. Okay, bye!”

Hanging up, I look closer at my reflection and notice the details on the little black dress. It hits just above my tanned knees, so not too long, but not too short. It is sleeveless and has a diamond cutout at the chest area, highlighting my generous breasts. Talk about an eye catcher.


Walking in the front door, I hear Drake playing on the overhead speakers in our apartment, and not even five steps in I’m bombarded by Lana.

“Let’s go, we only have two hours until we leave, and this hair”—she grabs the ends of her long brown ha

ir—“will take at least forty minutes of that to tame!” Laughing, I follow her into the bathroom, only hoping that this night will be a game changer for me, for Trey—for us—or at least I’m hopeful.

Two hours later, we’re ready and we make it to the bar early. Trey and Kings had to run back to the studio to pick up something, so we agreed to meet here instead of going together. Thankfully, Lana and I took a cab, because I’m already downing my second shot and checking the door every five seconds. I swear I could break it down, or cut out a hole with my laser like stare. I look suspicious to all the bar goers, but I don’t care, I’m so nervous I could vomit. Honestly, I don’t know what’s come over me. Never before have I found the courage to even flirt with Trey, but all of a sudden I’m some love-struck teenager, giddy and ready to live in this fairytale world, filled with hearts and Mrs. Trey Adams written everywhere. Maybe I’m way too ahead of myself, him asking me to come out tonight isn’t unusual. He asks me to hang all the time, because he’s my best friend.

Oh my God, I’m going to screw this up. Just as I’m about to call off this whole night, I feel the shift in the air and know he’s here, even before I see him.

“Well, well, look who’s here! Drink up, girl, time to put some hair on your chest,” Lana yells into my ear over the loud techno song that’s blaring from every angle.

“Having hair on my chest will for sure seal the deal. Lana, I can’t do this.” I feel myself panicking, overwhelmed with the fact that I’m dressed up for Trey and ready to tell him how I feel. Grabbing my tense shoulders, she turns my body in direct line with hers before she starts in on me.

“You can and you will do this. Stop hiding what you feel and waiting for these feelings to pass, they won’t, trust me.” I roll my eyes at her; she can be so poetic when she is giving me the ‘go get ’em, tiger’ speech. What I wouldn’t give to have and embrace her bold outlook on life. She’s so confident, and I’m just this quiet suffer-in-silence type. Woe is me.

“Hey, beautiful.” I hear his deep voice behind me. Turning to face Trey, my knees instantly go weak, and I can feel a blush creep across my cheeks then quickly spread to my neck when his eyes zero in on my chest. I almost melt into a puddle on the floor when his jaw quickly drops before closing with his signature lip bite. I’m a goner. “You look fucking incredible. Tell me you wore that just for me?”

Be bold, be confident, Shayla, don’t let him smell your fear.
