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“You know it, just for you,” I reply, trying not to let him see how nervous I am. Did I really just say that? God, that isn’t like me at all, I guess the tequila shots gave me a boost of confidence. And did he really just ask me if I wore this for just him? Hmm, Lana may just be on to something. I smirk at her smiling face beside me then place my attention back on Trey.

“Good, I wouldn’t want you wearing it for some other guy. I like to think I’m special.” I watch his cocky, lopsided grin and catch the wink he gives me. I feel my legs tighten, and I have to physically bite my lip to keep from professing my feelings right then and there. Nope, I need another shot.

“Of course you’re special to me, Trey.”

Shayla, you bold dog, you.

I think—as Lana so eloquently put it—I found my lady balls.

“That’s what I like to hear. Want to dance with me, beautiful?” He holds his hand out to take mine. “Let me sweep you off your feet.”

“You’re such a cheeseball. I’ll dance with you if you never use that pickup line again.”

He smiles, pulling me toward the dance floor. “You liked it, I know you did.”

“Oh, did I?” I laugh as he spins me and pulls me back into his chest. It may be fast-paced, but our bodies are moving in slow motion, as if only he and I exist in this club. I love the feel of his hand on my lower back and my other joined in his. I feel safe, warm…wanted. We continue to dance for a few more songs. Our dances are accompanied by light conversations, whispered secrets, and laughter. God, this is so new. We’ve never been like this with each other. It’s never felt this…this close…this flirtatious. It’s like something happened and we both drank the same tainted water. We’re acting out of the ordinary, almost in sync, but I’m not complaining. This is everything I’ve wanted for the past ten years, but here and now…is different.

I lost track of time and how long we’d been dancing, but we both need a drink to refuel, so we go and meet Kingston and Lana at the table. They’re sitting close together, engaging in what looks like a heated conversation. Lately, these two have been hot and cold with one another. One minute they are flirting and the next they are at each other’s throats. I know it has to do with Lana’s past relationship with Joel. Those two were together for two years, high school sweethearts, well if you can consider them sweethearts. In the beginning, it seemed picture-perfect and without flaw, until I started to notice a change. A couple of weeks into their relationship, I noticed that she was becoming reserved and distant, and eventually, with that, came bruises. Joel was a piece of shit, who beat her and cheated on her with anything that had legs.

I know Lana became really good at lying to her parents. Most of the time the bruises were in places she could hide them—her back, her upper arms, her legs. The ones she couldn’t hide she chalked it up to cheer. Her parents believed her; they trusted her and they never really knew Joel existed. She was always at his place or mine. Parents can be so naïve when they are shielded with a veil of trust, I guess.

She hasn’t been in a relationship since, she’ll tease guys until they’re drooling for her, and then she cuts them off cold turkey, leaving them a mess. I have begged her for years to get therapy, but she believes she’s fine, and I hate rehashing her past just as much as the next person, but it doesn’t mean I don’t try. I want to be able to help her move on from that part of her life.

I feel Trey at my side; he’s rubbing my lower back, slowly bringing me back to reality.

“Where’d you go there?” He moves to stand in front of me and makes eye contact. His blue eyes shift back and forth on mine, rapidly, looking for some sign of what just happened in my headspace.

“Let me in there, babe.” I shake my head rapidly, trying to clear my way through the fog. Emotions are running way too high right now. I just need to breathe.

“Let me in your head, Shay, what’s wrong? Is there something going on with Lana?” His concern for Lana is welcomed, just adding to the many reasons why I care so deeply for this man. One of the exact reasons he’s my best friend.

“It’s a lot, you know, the emotions running high between the two of them. One minute Lana seems ready to fall into the unknown and then something sets her back. Her nightmares, the persistent and demanding way my brother clings to her. It sucks watching the two people we love fight like that. You know?” I admit, my eyes sinking low and my heart feeling heavy.

“It does, I know. I see the way it hurts your brother. The big guy seems so tough, but Lana can cripple him sometimes. Then again, Lana had the shit end of the stick last time she fell in love, so I see her reservation.” Trey’s so right and we, as outsiders, get to see the brunt of it all. Sometimes their love affair is so raw and potent that Trey and I feel like we are a part of it.

“Let’s go stop the fighting before the entire bar starts to stare. Enough with the heavy, baby.” My stomach flips; he grabs my hand and leads me to the table. I try my best to focus on my hand in his and choke back any emotions I’m wearing on my sleeve. This is supposed to be a night out and I need to be the strong one for Lana and Kings. I need to break up the lovers quarrel and talk things out with Lana when we get home.

“Guys, people are starting to stare at you two. How about we take it down a notch, you know, take a breather.” I scoot into the booth next to Lana, and Trey takes the spot across the table next to Kings. The tension is thick at our table, and I hurry and muster up a topic in order to distract them.

“How about some shots?” Trey yells over the music, and I glance at him and smile. Both Lana and Kings tear their angry eyes from one another and focus on Trey. Beating me to the chase, he reaches for the round of shots the waitress placed at our table while we were dancing. Kingston stays still, not really saying much, while Lana’s mood switches in an instant.

“Yeah, you’re right, let’s just have some fun!” Lana cheers, holding up her drink, and I see Kingston smiling at her enthusiasm. Told you, hot and cold.

Looking back to Trey again, I mouth a simple ‘thank you’ and he nods his welcome in return. After a couple of shots are shared between all of us, Lana and Kings leave our table and make their way to the dance floor, once again turning on the hot water. Trey and I watch our friends dance and enjoy each other.

They have liked one another for as long as Trey and I have, if not longer. Even when they were both in committed relationships, they always had this spark. It’s undeniable. I’m still staring at them when I’m thrown off by Trey’s next statement.

“I think I’m a pretty good friend, maybe a best friend, and soon, maybe more.”

“What did you just say?” I ask, looking up into his eyes. That came out of nowhere.

“Let’s get out of here, go back to your place and talk?” He stands from his spot and tops off his drink. Without waiting for an answer, he grabs my hand and starts walking us toward the exit.

“Trey, we haven’t been here that long, Lana and Kingston are…” Looking around the bar, I spot them again, and I’m stunned back to silence, they aren’t even the least bit concerned with us. Nope. They’re too busy in the dark corner of the club, locking lips. Literally, I looked away for less than a minute, how did they go from dancing to kissing that fast?

“Let’s go, beautiful. I need to talk to you alone, you and me.”

I feel my palms start to sweat. I feel like I’m in a parallel universe. What is happening right now? This is not how I saw the night going at all.

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