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“Hey, baby.”

Don’t ‘baby’ me.

“Trey! What possessed you to attack Evan? Please enlighten me.” I’m so mad I could flip a fucking car and She-Hulk on his ass. This is my dream and he’s ruining it.

“Don’t worry about it. See, that bitch can’t keep his mouth shut.”

How is acting so nonchalant like this no big fucking deal?

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t you understand what you’re doing to my future? You’re destroying it! This is my one shot.”

“Shayla, we can talk about this when you get home. Then after you’re done yelling at me, I’ll make it up to you. By the way, he deserved it, and if anyone’s ruining your dream it’s that fuckhead. He shouldn’t fuck with what’s mine.”

Oh my God, that’s what happened last night; I knew I was right back there. He wanted to mark his territory and keep me sated enough in hopes I’ll forgive him. Well, I have some bad news—it didn’t work.

“That’s why you were acting like that last night. You thought making love to me like that would keep me from exploding. You marked me, like a fucking dog. That’s so fucking wrong, Trey!”

“Oh is it? Because you seemed to like me fucking your brains out last night, there weren’t any complaints. Regardless of the threat he tried to cause.” His comment burns me, stings so freaking hot, I choke on my emotions, tears building in my eyes.

“Why are you talking to me like this? Apparently, feeling hurt and embarrassed isn’t a concern to you. I thought we agreed he wasn’t a threat to us.” I hear a thundering sound in the background, and I know it’s his fist hitting something.

“Shay, you are so blind and naïve sometimes! Did you not read the text he sent you, when we were in Park City? When we were fresh off the fuck wagon? He called you beautiful, told you not to miss him.” The way he is talking about our sex life is so crude. Draining any sort of passion from it. I’m so damn hurt and feel I’m speaking to a stranger.

“Sorry that he said I was beautiful, I didn’t pay attention to it because it doesn’t affect me. And don’t talk about our sex life in such a careless manner. Because, unlike you, our love life means that I love you. Giving my body to you and no one else.” God, he’s being such a prick right now.


’t affect you? You’re my fucking woman, I’m the only man who gets rights to you—to touch you, to fucking call you beautiful.”

“Goddamn it, Trey! I’m not a piece of property! The only right you have to me is my heart! That’s yours, but obviously, you don’t seem to care about that. Because you’re about to lose it!” I throw my car into reverse and shoot out of the parking lot, making my way to the freeway. I need to get away, I need to see my dad. He’s the only person and it’s the only place I can go to where Trey won’t find me right away.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I’m going to lose it?” His anger is resolving, losing its edge, he sounds scared and damn it, he should be.

“I need some time apart, some space.”

“Space from what?” There are loud movements and the sound of keys coming from the other end, and all I can think is good luck getting to me before I hit Portland.

“From you!” I yell, accelerating once I hit the on-ramp to the freeway.

“Baby, you need to stop and think about this. You’re not leaving me, you promised, Shayla!” His voice cracks and I hear the first sign of tears in his voice.

“Trey…” I lower my voice and wipe the tears now streaming down my face. This is crushing me. But how much more can I do to prove to him no one will ever take his place?

“I need some time, I’ll call you later.”

“Baby! You can’t do this. I love you! I’m sorry, but don’t fucking leave us hanging like this,” he shouts, grasping at strings, trying to keep me on the call longer. Because the second I hang up this phone, he knows I won’t answer until I’m ready, and that’s if I’m ever ready. I may not forgive this one.

“Trey, I didn’t do anything, you did this all on your own. I love you and whether it be Evan or any other guy, I chose you. I gave you my everything, my first love, my first kiss, my first time. If you can’t accept that for all it’s worth then you’re going to push me out, all by yourself.” Not letting him get a word in, for fear he may reel me back into his clutches, I end the call. I grab my phone from the seat beside me and turn it off. I need this time to think.

The gods are trying to torture me, that has to explain the constant love songs coming on the radio during my drive. One after the other. I hit skip over and over again. Eventually, giving up and listening to silence. The clouds are dark with the promise of Seattle downpour. It makes me want to bundle up in a warm blanket…with Trey. My chest feels heavy; I already miss him and fear what might actually happen to us. He crossed a line; I need him to understand how serious this is. Owning more boutiques is a dream, one that’s not only mine but Lana’s, too. So not only would he crush this for me, but for her as well.

I can’t help but fear losing him, too. This isn’t fair, I’m mad while at the same time, I’m sad. How can I feel two polar opposite emotions at the same time? Because that’s what love does to you. It holds the reins to your heart and shows no mercy.

I pull up the gravel driveway leading up to my dad’s twentieth century-styled home. The sight of the white brick and red door remind me of home, the warmth I need when I’m sad. The attic windows are parallel to each other, forming the look of tiny houses. The green grass is freshly mowed due to my dad’s constant need to stay busy or he may just go insane. He’s always been a busybody, with lots of projects and things going on to keep him distracted. It really hit him hard when the divorce happened.

This is the new home I’ve come to love since leaving Utah. Another thing I love about my dad, he’s nosey, and my tires on the gravel alerted him of my presence. He smiles when he sees my Audi. My first gift to myself when our boutique hit it big a couple of months ago. She’s an expensive lady, but she’s my diva.

My dad’s contagious smile comes into view when he hits the bottom stair of his wooden porch. “Princess! You didn’t tell me you were coming. What brings you here?”
