Page 13 of Once Upon a Kiss

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He joined her. The space around her and the Marchesa dress seemed to shrink.

“Lead the way, Ms. Grant.”

“Sure thing. We just have to make one stop first.”

Chapter 10

Adrenaline pulsed through Ivy’s veins as she toyed with her college roommate’s access card to the world-famous Museum of Natural History. Karen had handed over the card without protest. Ivy’s intricate hairdo, uncharacteristic makeup, and the Marchesa gown seemed to be explanation enough. Now, one little swipe at the service entrance and they would be inside.

I can’t believe I’m doing this.

When she’d graduated Harvard, she’d never imagined she would end up using her smarts to plot a wild adventure for a billionaire in the hopes of winning him over.

For his funding.

“Are you ready for a private, middle-of-the-night tour of the smallpox exhibit?” she asked the man rocking back and forth on his heels beside her.

“I like the way you make a lesson in eradicated diseases sound sexy, like we’re about to jump out of a plane.”

She cast him a sideways glance. “I don’t find the idea of falling through the sky appealing.”

“Hmm,” he murmured. “That must be what they mean by opposites attract.”

“Though I must admit,” she continued, ignoring his words. She wasn’t pursuing a mutual attraction tonight. And she needed to keep her focus on the goal—funding. “What we’re about to do isn’t that different from skydiving without a parachute—”

“I’m in, Ivy. Risk and all.” He covered her hand with his and swiped the card. The door beeped and the red light on the keypad flashed green. “Ladies first.”

She stepped into the access hallway that led the museum staff through the employee-only areas. The click of her borrowed heels echoed against cement floor. She slipped off the shoes and padded down the hall with her gown trailing over the floor.

“You can’t abandon your slippers.” Carter knelt down and picked up her shoes. Carrying her heels in one hand, he followed her.

“You sound like you have experience in breaking and entering,” she muttered as they reached the door leading to the main hallway. She swiped the security card again and pulled open the door. They crossed the threshold between the staff-only area and the public spaces of the renowned museum. This wide corridor teemed with visitors during the regular hours of operation.

“I have training.” He took her hand. “Experience helps, too. But this is my first time breaking into a museum.”

“Mine, too,” she said softly. “Tonight has been a series of firsts. My first makeover. My first designer dress. My first gala.”

He turned to her and raised his free hand to her chin, tilting her gaze to meet his. “For me, too.”

She heard the rough edge to his voice and her hormones rioted again.

Kiss him!

Her lips parted. A thrill ran through her and settled into the parts of her body begging for his touch. She could risk one kiss. After sneaking into a museum in the dead of night, she could—

“Tell me, Ms. Grant,” he continued. “What is your plan for getting past the security guard?”

Ivy blinked and then glanced to her left. Light glowed from the doors. Beyond the entrance, she saw signs for the 81st Street subway station.

Carter nodded his head to the right. She looked past him and spotted the wood- and glass-paneled security booth. Inside, a guard sat with a large, bright computer screen in front of him. But his attention was fixed on his cell phone.

Ivy rose up on her tiptoes. Without her heels on, she was still shy of Carter’s ears. “We’re on the lower level,” she w

hispered. “The special exhibition gallery is on the first floor, and the stairs are on the other side of the guard.”

He turned to face her, the lapels of his tux hovering an inch away from her. He placed his hands on the wall behind her, forming a box around her. Her shoes still dangled from his fingers.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.
