Page 18 of Naughty or Nice

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Next plan of action is getting her to stay put. Her furnace isn’t fixed yet, and I’m not putting a rush on that shit either. I know I can only drag my feet on that for so long before she calls me out, which I know she will. I’m sticking with my other plan—making her fall in love with me and getting my baby inside of her. Both will have her locked tight to my side.

I reach under the table to adjust my cock, which went instantly hard as I was thinking about those two things. I’m not even sure how I can still get hard at this point. It’s like my dick has come alive for the first time in its life. It had been hiding away until it found something worth waking up for.

My phone vibrates again. I grab it off the table and I’m relieved when I see it’s Lars, an old friend of mine I don’t get to see often enough with him being an undercover cop now. He’d often drop off the map for months on end. I was lucky that when I shot him a message, he got back to me swiftly.

“You sure she’s not playing you?” are the first words out of his mouth.

“Don’t care if she is. I want her.” It’s the truth. I wouldn’t care. I’m too far gone. I’ve tasted every part of her and there’s no way I’ll ever be able to walk away from her now. So it doesn’t matter either way. But I know she isn’t. At least not because she wants to. I’d see it in her eyes when we made love. When I took her over and over again. Not to mention those sweet blushes that light up her skin. You can’t act that. If she could she’d be in Hollywood, not some run-down house she doesn’t belong in.

It’s a life she shouldn’t have, either. It’s one that has given her a bit of bite. You have to work to get down to that sweetness she’s built a wall around. I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy that mouth of hers in more ways than one. I love never knowing if I’m going to get naughty or nice from her. It keeps me on my toes. But I want it because she chooses to do it. Not because she’s guarding herself.

“Whatever you say, man. I don’t have a ton of time to dig, but what I can tell you is Slate and her brother Mark are both dirty bastards. With how they operate and the kind of money and power you have, you don’t want them to know how much you’re into this chick,” he informs me.

“Too late,” I grit out. I’m already standing from my chair.

“Then this goes one of two ways. Either they got her playing you.” Maybe they did at first. It might have been a play to start with, but now I have her and I won’t let them use her like that. I’ve already cut my dealings with Slate. She won’t be a pawn to them. I’ve made sure of that.

“Or they use her against you,” Lars finishes. My whole body goes tight. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? Maybe because I didn’t know how bad these men really were. But I should have known better. Just like with my sister. I look over towards the shelter where she’s working and take off at a dead run.

Chapter 10


My stomach tightens even more when I see where we’re pulling up to. The strip club hasn’t been here long but it already looks run-down on the outside. I’m sure the inside isn’t much better. Luckily the parking lot is empty. Maybe it’s too early for the place to be open. I’m not sure if that is better or worse for me.

“Mark,” I try to plead with him once again. He doesn’t seem like himself. If I had to guess, he’s on something.

“Don’t start your fucking shit. You should be thankful how nice and fluffy your life’s been. It’s time you realize where we come from. There’s no shaking the life Mom brought us into.”

I look down at my hands in my lap and wring them. He’s wrong. I don’t know that life. Even though he’s an asshole, I hate he knew it. “We can have whatever life we choose,” I whisper. I’m not sure if I’m talking to him or me. I jump when his fist comes down onto the steering wheel hard. I hear a crack and wonder if he broke something.

“It’s clear you were made for this life, little sister,” he says mockingly. “You spread those thighs real easy.” I swallow, clenching my legs together when his eyes go there. “Don’t get shy now. Slate’s been talking about you since we left the other day. I’d get ready to spread them again if I was you.”

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