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My fingers pick at the soft, silky blindfold Damen used to cover my eyes. A silly formality since we both know I don’t have to look to see, but still, he’s so intent on keeping the secret, he chooses to cover every single one of his bases, whether or not it’s actually necessary.

He laughs, the sound so melodic it makes my heart swell. Grasping my hand, his fingers entwined around mine, as the almost feel of his palm emits the warmest, most delicious tingle and heat—a sensation I’ll never take for granted again, especially after knowing what it’s like to lose it completely.

“Ready?” he asks, moving behind me and untying the knot at the back of my head, dropping the blindfold and taking a moment to smooth down my hair, before spinning me around and adding, “Happy Birthday!”

I smile—smile before I’ve even had a chance to open my eyes. Already convinced that whatever it is, it’s sure to be good.

And the second I see it, I gasp, my jaw dropped, hand clutching my neck, gazing upon a scene so wondrous it hardly seems possible—even for Summerland.

“When did you do this?” I ask, struggling to take it all in. Gazing upon an exquisite utopia, a seemingly endless field of blazing red tulips with an exquisite pavilion placed right in its center. “Surely you didn’t create this all now?”

He shrugs, eyes grazing over my face in a way that makes my whole body grow hot. “I’ve had this planned for a while, and while the pavilion is not entirely of my making, I did alter it a good bit, the tulips are an added touch I created for you.” He looks at me, pulling me to him when he says, “All I wanted was for you to get well so we could enjoy it together—just the two of us, you know?”

I nod, his loving, grateful gaze causing my cheeks to flush as an inexplicable shyness suddenly takes over. “Just us?” I tilt my head and take him in. “You mean we don’t have to hurry back for my surprise party?”

Damen laughs, nodding as he leads me deep into a field of the most vibrant, blazing red. “They’re still setting up—I promised we’d stop by a little later, but for now, what do you think?”

I blink, blink several times in quick succession since I don’t want to cry. Not here. Not now. Not in this magnificent field meant to represent our undying love. Swallowing hard and speaking past the lump in my throat when I say, “I think—I think you’re the most amazing person in the entire world—and I think that I’m so incredibly lucky to know you—to love you—and I think—I think I have no idea what I’d ever do without you—and I think that I’m so incredibly grateful that you didn’t give up on me.”

“I’d never give up on you,” he says, face gone suddenly serious as his eyes search mine.

“Well, you must’ve been tempted.” I turn, remembering how dark things got, how far gone I was, and bidding a silent thanks to Hecate for fulfilling my wish and giving me back everything that matters most in my world.

“Not even for a second,” he says, hand at my chin, turning me toward him again. “Not even once.”

“You were right, you know—about the magick?” I bite down on my lip and gaze at him shyly.

But he just nods, it’s not like I didn’t just admit to anything he didn’t already guess at.

“I—I did a spell—a binding spell—and, well, it sort of had the opposite effect of what I was hoping. I accidentally bound myself to Roman.” I swallow hard, seeing him continue to gaze at me with a face so expressionless, it’s impossible to read. “And—at first I didn’t tell you because—well—because I was too ashamed. It’s like—like I was obsessed with him, and—” I shake my head, grimacing when I remember the things I said and did. “Anyway, the only place I was healthy was right here in Summerland. That’s why I was begging you to come. Partly so I could feel whole again, and partly because the monster—the magick—wouldn’t let me confide on the earth plane, every time I tried it shut down the words and wouldn’t allow them to come—and all this is to say—”

He places his hand on my cheek and looks at me. “Ever,” he whispers, “it’s okay.”

“I’m sorry,” I mumble, feeling his arms circling around my back as he presses me to him. “So very, very sorry.”

“And so it’s over now? You’ve fixed it?” He pulls away and tilts his head, taking me in.

Yeah.” I nod, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. “It’s all good now—I’m better—and my obsession with Roman is over. I—I just thought you should know. I hated keeping it from you.”

He leans toward me and presses his lips to my forehead, looking at me when he says, “And now, mademoiselle, would you like to begin?” Waving his arm in a wide arc and bowing down low.

I smile, my hand clasped in his as he whisks me across the field and inside that gorgeous pavilion, a building so beautiful, so exquisitely wrought, I can’t help but gasp yet again.

“What is this place?” I ask, taking in the polished white marble floors, the domed ceilings covered in the most jaw-dropping frescoes featuring luminous, pink-cheeked cherubs frolicking among other celestial beings.

He smiles, motioning me onto a creamy white couch so plush, so soft and cushy, it’s like a giant marshmallow cloud. “It’s your birthday present. And, as oddly coincidental as it may be, it’s your anniversary present as well.”

I squint, my mind running backward, pilfering through a long list of memories, and coming up empty. It’s not yet been a year since we first got together—or at least this time around anyway, so I really have no clue as to just what “anniversary” he’s referring to.

“August eighth.” He nods, seeing the confused look on my face. “August eighth, sixteen oh eight, to be exact, was the day we first met.”

“Seriously?” I gasp, it’s all I can manage, I’m so shocked by the news.

“Seriously.” He smiles, leaning back against the cloud of cushions and pulling me close. “But you don’t have to take my word for it, you know. Here, see for yourself.” He picks up a remote from the large table before us and points it toward the large circular screen that surrounds the entire far wall of the room. “In fact, you’re not limited to just seeing it, you can even experience it if you wish, it’s really up to you.”

I squint, having no idea what he’s getting at, no idea what’s happening here.
