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The kindness and sympathy make me want to cry.

But Michal doesn’t dwell on the sadness. “Symon says there are signs that President Collindar is ready to challenge Dr. Barnes and remove him from his position as head of The Testing.”

My heart jumps as the hope I felt in the skimmer is confirmed. “That’s wonderful news.”

“Only if she has the power to eliminate Dr. Barnes and The Testing.”

I shake my head. “She’s the president of the United Commonwealth. Of course she has the power.”

Michal sits on one of the metal chairs. “President Collindar is technically in charge of the government, but as the man who selects the country’s future leaders, Dr. Barnes has as much power, if not more. Not only do current officials feel a sense of loyalty to him for having selected them for their jobs, they also seek his favor to ensure that their children are accepted into the program and given preferential treatment. In the past several years, the University has been allocated larger resources. More autonomy to act as Dr. Barnes and his team see fit. In the week I’ve been assigned to the president’s office, three Debate Chamber votes have swung in favor of whatever side of the issue Dr. Barnes supports. While the president is the head of the government, Dr. Barnes and his team actually now control it.”

The idea of Dr. Barnes running this country makes me want to scream.

“The president is working to regain the power her office has lost. She’s scheduled a Debate Chamber vote that would reorganize the administrative structure of The Testing and University so the head of the program reports directly to her. But unless something changes, she doesn’t have enough votes from the department heads for the measure to pass. The Education Department manager is a close personal friend of Dr. Barnes. He’s been working against the president’s measure by saying he has seen reports of The Testing and believes it is being run appropriately. Over the last two years, some officials have claimed that the president is an ineffective leader and should be replaced. Losing a vote of this import could confirm those claims and weaken her further. There’s a rumor going around the office that losing the vote will lead to a call for a vote of confidence.”

When the Commonwealth Government was created, our founders agreed that leaders should be allowed to govern as long as they were effective. They believed limiting the time a strong leader served was detrimental to the well-being of the country. However, to ensure a weak leader could be removed before he or she did too much harm, the founders instituted the vote of confidence, which requires members of the Debate Chamber to reavow their support of the president. A president who fails to get over fifty percent of the vote is immediately removed from power and a new president voted upon.

“If the president is replaced, it will be by someone Dr. Barnes and his supporters select. Maybe even Dr. Barnes himself. The president is not willing to let that happen. So, she and her team have been searching for another way to remove Dr. Barnes from power. They believe they’ve found that method in the other rebel faction.”

The faction that believes in taking down Dr. Barnes and The Testing by force. With weapons, bloodshed, and death.

“President Collindar would prefer a peaceful solution over action that could lead to a civil war, but she believes there is too much at stake for the country to wait. Dr. Barnes will find a way to remove her if she doesn’t act soon. The rebel faction has begun to recruit citizens from the less revitalized areas of Tosu. These recruits don’t care about Dr. Barnes or The Testing, but the rebels have convinced them they will have more say and more resources if they join the cause. If the president loses the Debate Chamber vote, the rebels will act. And the president and her people will throw support behind them. Tosu City could be ripped apart, and Symon fears there is a chance that with so many colony-born people living here, unrest could spring up in the colonies. Especially when the citizens there understand what The Testing did to their children.”

And war could follow. History shows that it takes only a spark to start a fire that cannot be easily checked. The Seven Stages of War started with the outrage of one leader.

“There has to be something we can do.” Violence can’t be inevitable.

“The president plans to announce the vote about the restructuring of The Testing in three weeks. Top members of her team are reviewing her key arguments and meeting with department representatives in order to sway votes. So far, they haven’t had any luck. Symon believes the only way the Debate Chamber will vote against Dr. Barnes is if proof of the true nature of The Testing is revealed in open session. The only way most officials can justify turning a blind eye to Dr. Barnes’s methods is by discounting the negative things they hear as rumors. No one wants to believe that students who give wrong answers can be killed. Tosu City children are never required to sit for The Testing. Officials can ignore Testing speculation without worrying their own children will suffer as a result. Indisputable proof will change that.”

“What about the University Induction tests? Students die during those.” I remember Rawson’s feet slipping off the edge. Olive’s horror-filled face as she realized the consequences of her actions. “The officials can’t possibly agree with those methods.”

“No, but most Tosu City officials survived some kind of Induction. They feel it’s only fair the new students have to suffer through a similar process. And while Dr. Barnes and the head residence professors are involved, the final years of each designated study are technically responsible for the Induction process. If someone dies, Dr. Barnes calls it an accident.” Michal’s eyes light with anger. “Government officials are happy to find any excuse to look the other way. But if they are forced to see the truth, they’ll have to fix the problem. That’s why we need tangible evidence of wrongdoing. Once it is presented in open session, officials will have no choice but to strip Dr. Barnes of his authority and put an end to The Testing.”

Tangible proof. “Can’t you testify on the debate floor?” I ask. “You still have your Testing memories.”

“I volunteered to speak out, but Symon and his advisers said my words won’t be enough. People could argue I’m making up stories because I wasn’t assigned the job I wanted or because I’m jealous. They would say the same about anyone who testifies if we are allowed to get that far. Symon is convinced Dr. Barnes is monitoring the president’s office and would learn the names of those scheduled to testify before they take the floor. How long do you think I and anyone else who volunteers to speak would live if that happened?”

Hours? Unless they ran. And who knows even then if they would survive.

“We need more than just our testimony to sway public opinion and convince the Debate Chamber to vote against Dr. Barnes.”

What other kind of proof could they find? I look down at the symbol on my wrist with the tracking device it contains and remember the one I wore before. “The Testing bracelets contained recording devices. We should find the recordings Dr. Barnes made.” Weeks of conversations recorded. Betrayals made. Gunshots and crossbow bolts that spilled blood. Ended lives.

“Symon has lower-level officials within The Testing and the Education Department searching for both audio and video recordings, but they haven’t been able to gain access to them. There is a chance Dr. Barnes destroys them after The Testing is complete and University candidates are selected.”

“I don’t think so.” I explain about the conversation Ian overheard in which Professor Holt talked to Dr. Barnes about reexamining my actions during The Testing. “They wouldn’t be able to reexamine my performance if they destroyed the r


“I’ll let Symon know. If you’re right, we still might have a chance to end The Testing without plunging the country into war.” Michal looks at his watch and stands. “But if we don’t want to make anyone suspicious, we have to get going.” He opens the door, steps into the hall, and looks around before telling me to follow.

“What can I do?” I ask, walking the dim corridors back to where I stashed my bicycle.

“Keep your ears open for any information that can point to the location of the recordings. Talk to whoever is assigned to intern in the Department of Education. Our contacts have heard rumors that the top-level officials have access to The Testing facilities. They might know something about the recordings. If you learn anything, let me know. I’ll pass the information to Symon.”

“Why not pass it directly to the president?”

Michal’s expression is grim. “She doesn’t know I’m a member of the rebellion, and we’d prefer to keep it that way for now. Symon orchestrated my transfer so I could report if the president is moving up the timeline for the rebel faction and her allies to attack. So far, she is sticking to her original schedule. She will make her case before the Debate Chamber floor three weeks from now. With luck, we’ll find the information she needs to win the vote before then.”

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