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Would he be able to stop himself? Could he be satisfied with her mouth on him or would he want to pull away and bury himself inside her, taking this to a place that he knew wasn’t wise?

If they took this to the next level, he wouldn’t be able to walk away from Bella. Whether she agreed to be his partner or not, he would be addicted to her body and miserable if he couldn’t have her in his bed. He’d never let himself get to that point with a woman, and he wasn’t about to start now. Not with a woman who had given new meaning to the word “hermit.”

He had to calm down; he had to be smart.

“Come on.” Bella patted the bed beside her. “I want to see if my fudge tastes as good on your cock.”

Oh God help him.

“Yes ma’am,” he said, knowing he had no choice but to obey.



Bella had never felt more alive. Her entire body was hu

mming. She could breathe better, see better, smell better.

The entire world was alive and throbbing with a vitality she had never noticed before. Her sense of touch was unbelievably sensitized, every nerve ending tingling with the aftermath of the magic Heath had worked on her body.

Each warm breath against her thighs, every stroke of his tongue¸ had set off a hundred different sensations, driving her toward an ecstasy she hadn’t imagined possible. Now she was going to return the favor, and send the man who had just shucked his clothes in record time and bounded onto the pillows beside her soaring.

He had been amazingly generous, but even if he hadn’t been, the sight of his sculpted, golden skin spread out along her bedspread would have made her mouth water. She wanted to taste him, torture him, drive him crazy with desire before she finally blew his mind the same way he had blown hers.

Now…if she only had the slightest idea how to set about doing that.

Just touch him, already. You have to start somewhere.

Heath’s eyes closed and his Adam’s apple jumped as she laid a tentative hand on his long, thick shaft.

It was so much softer than she’d thought it would be, velvety-smooth flesh stretched over all that hard need. She let her touch play over its length from base to tip, instinctively smoothing the pearl of liquid at the tip around the head again and again. From the way he groaned and the jump of his cock in her hand, she was on the right track. Now if she could figure out what to do with her mouth, she’d be in business.

Come on, Bella, it can’t be that difficult. It’s only a cock.

Only a cock, right. Only her first cock—ever.

No, she couldn’t think about that or she would never work up the nerve to take the lead. She was just going to have to trust her instincts and concentrate on enjoying every second she spent in bed with this man.

Gingerly, she smoothed a bit of fudge onto his shaft. Then she settled between his thighs, bracing herself on his strong, furry legs before she licked slowly, firmly, up the heat of him.

“You are so beautiful,” he repeated for the third or fourth time as he looked down at her.

Some might say he was redundant, but Bella knew she’d never get tired of hearing him say those words, or of seeing that look in his eyes. It was the strangest mix of fear, longing, hunger, and awe, and it made her feel like the sexiest creature on earth.

His hands cupped her face and she turned to press a quick kiss into the center of his palm before she resumed her teasing licks up and down his shaft, around and around the head, and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Yum. She’d never imagined that doing this to a man would be so arousing.

He tasted amazing, smelled of pure male energy, and he was right about the peppermint. It did add something to the experience and she knew firsthand the slight tingle the peppermint oil had caused between her thighs.

“Oh God, Bella, take me in your mouth, please.” Heath’s hands trembled on the sides of her face, but he made no move to pull her closer. Just as he had taken control when he was between her thighs, now he gave her the control freely, making her drunk with more sexual power than she quite knew what to do with.

“How do you want me to do it?” she asked, seeking the direction she needed.

There was no way he would guess the truth. Thirty-year-old virgins weren’t the norm anywhere in the Kingdom, not by a long shot. Besides, her pride wasn’t overly invested in proving her skills as a temptress. She just wanted to do this right, wanted to transport him to the same mind-blowing state of nirvana she’d just experienced.

“Open your lips, just a little bit,” he said, his breath catching when she did. “Now take me inside, slowly.”
