Page 37 of Taught to Serve

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She had to ask, “Would you have spanked me?”

Rob simply shrugged his shoulders. “We’ll never know, will we?”

Champagne appeared, and there was much toasting of the engaged couple. Rob could not take his hands away from her, and Casey snuggled against him. Eventually farewells were said, and the group dispersed to their various homes.

It was only when they were back in the privacy of their own bedroom that Rob carried out his intended spanking, and Casey relished it. Each rise and fall of his hand was greeted with a shriek or moan of exquisite delight. The small part of Casey which had been inhibited and unable to comply with Rob’s request in the restaurant craved the opportunity to repeat the occasion. Next time she would bend over the chair and raise her bottom up for him without hindrance. She had no fear and believed without a doubt that Rob would always take care of her.

The night was long, and they barely slept a moment of it.

The End
