Page 13 of Perfect Notes

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“They’re well trained. They like the sensual touch. The smooth surface of the piano keys. A bit like your skin. Warm and responsive.”

He had me. There was no going back. “I have to put her down. I don’t want to drop her.”

“Can’t have you doing that.” He took Nettie out of my hands and laid her on the grand piano’s shelf. He turned and came to face me again. This time, when he reached out to touch me, I didn’t think he would stop until he had finished with me.

Chapter Four

My turn.

Why should he have all the fun? I dismissed all those nagging voices in the back of my mind telling me not to do it. I slipped into the realm of unreal, a fantasy dominion where I squished to one side the sensible, rational part of me.

I missed sex. Call me greedy, but it did eat away at me that Micah had awoken this crazy desire in me then failed to let it grow, crushing it in its infancy. Faced with Stefan and his handsome features, I crumbled into a plate of eager mush—shaky legs, racing heartbeat and an excited sex. Whatever doubts were floating in my head, my pussy flexed and opened up in response to his advances.

He cupped my face in his vast hands. I’d watched them on the piano, spanning the white and black keys easily. His palms swallowed up my little cheekbones while he combed his fingers into my hair. My mouth went instantly dry as he lowered his lips. I parted mine—an opening of welcome—and he nipped my upper lip before pressing down with his moist mouth, hard.

I gasped at the intensity of his luscious kiss. My tongue experienced the first taste of Stefan. While holding my breath, I ran the fleshy tip of my tongue around his mouth. He tasted good. I emitted a sigh of relief.

He stroked my hair out of my closed eyes. I went up on tiptoes, offering my kisses, and he delved deeper with his tongue. I could happily spend hours devouring him, but my hands couldn’t resist and I reached out and made contact. I skirted around the obvious bulge in his pants. If I touched there, I would explode. Just the thought of his erection and what it might look like fed my fantasies. Instead, I fumbled, groped about until I found the bottom of his polo shirt. It came away easily from the waistband of his jeans and I had my entry point. Slipping my hands underneath the fabric, I stroked my fingertips up his abdomen.

A soft fuzzy bed of hair greeted me when I located his chest. I twirled the little curls in my fingers and my exploration triggered a groan into my mouth. He dropped his hands down and wrapped his arms around me, binding me closer, almost smothering me. One of his hands squeezed my ass cheek, a powerful grasp. I broke off my kiss, tilted my head back and exposed my neck. He pounced on it and sucked hard like a greedy vampire. I winced and he eased back.

“Hands up.”

I opened my eyes, blinking in the light. The want in his saucer-shaped eyes sang out as clearly as a commanding voice. Hypnotized, I slowly raised my arms. He’d grasped the edge of my sweatshirt and the top flew off, tossed into the air behind him. My bra, disheveled from his earlier wanderings, remained draped about my chest.

“Oh, Callie,” he murmured, then he buried his face in my cleavage and caressed my pliable tissue with his nose, almost too ticklish.

I squirmed, and he latched on to a nipple with his mouth, sucking it in and sliding his tongue around my little erect bud. My legs came close to collapsing beneath me. I looped my arms about his neck and clung on.

The bra came away somehow. I supposed he undid it while he continued to glide his hands and lips over my skin. Goosebumps sprang up all over me. I shivered when his hand dipped down under my waistband and he slid a finger into the cleft between my buttocks.

My button and zipper were the next to fall victim to his keen undressing. My own hands seemed to dabble indecisively while his moved purposefully and speedily. Kisses rained down on me as his hand returned into my jeans and he pushed against the gusset of my panties.


Embarrassed by his discovery, I pictured my bright pink ears and flushed cheeks. My rapid dissembling delighted him. His toothy grin told me everything—I was a hussy.

I didn’t care. Debauch me. Fuck me hard. I was pretty sure my self-control was about to implode.

“Let’s get them off before you ruin them.”

I didn’t care about my panties any longer. If he wanted to, he could shred them with those magnificent hands. He crouched, and my jeans began their journey south, slithering down my legs. I supported my unbalanced legs by leaning on his shoulders. The trousers he flung away and they landed on top of my sweatshirt.

He lifted his head between my legs and sniffed my crotch.

My God! He’d smelled me—so sexy. He followed up with a ticklish sensation. Did he just lick my inner thigh with his tongue? Ow! Now, a sharp nip. Had he just bitten me? Another teasing nibble and I pinched his shoulders in reply.

A chuckle escaped and he ceased his little gnawing.

Two could play at his game I didn’t think myself innocent, but something deep down told me Stefan had experience—a lot of sexual knowledge. Micah never did these things to me.

He sprang up, and I jumped back slightly. Cocking his head to one side as if to weigh me up, he swiveled me around and began to walk me backward, away from the piano and the world of music.

The bedroom?

No, he pivoted me and pushed me down onto the leather sofa.

“Fuck,” I exclaimed as the cold leather made contact with my back.
