Page 79 of Sublime Trust

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Her thoughts drifted to home, in particular to Blythewood House and its gardens. She wondered if her vegetable patch was surviving in her absence. She had left a long list of instructions for the head gardener. The greenhouse would be filled with tomato and cucumber plants, and she hoped if any ripened, he would give them to other estate staff. Gemma couldn’t stand the idea of wasted home-grown produce—her labours of love.

Most of her planned changes to the garden had been accomplished and the newly built summerhouse painted and wired with electricity. Situated at the far end of the garden and looking back up to the house, it created an excellent viewing point. Naturally, Jason had to give her the inaugural act of sex within its walls. Nothing kinky, the pair of them had ended up naked and making love on the floor. Fortunately, she’d had the foresight to have carpets laid.

She missed home and work. Three weeks away was a substantial break. Not being in regular contact with her eclectic mix of friends was challenging, especially the absence of rumours and gossip. Then she thought about her day job. Had her current project been successfully accomplished? Did her colleagues mind her going off for three weeks and leaving all her tasks in their laps? Probably, but they were all too friendly and considerate to moan at her or her boss, Daniel.

Shortly before the evening meal, she received an e-mail from Trudy titled Lucky Cow. Her best friend had drooled over the photos Gemma had taken of the yacht and sent to her. The rest of the missive friend was filled with the latest baby news. Little Tom was doing this and that. Her partner, police officer, Greg, worked hard, often night shifts, which made Tom’s demands hard work. Trudy joked “don’t do it!” in reference to her planned conception.

Nursing an empty womb, she didn’t agree with the sentiment. In any case, Gemma knew her wealth would bring a different kind of motherhood. There wo

uld be a nanny to help take care of the child. Not a live-in kind. Jason had frowned at the idea, too intrusive on their private lives.

“What about the lair, Jason?” Gemma had wondered, one evening, back at home, about whether they would use his dungeon if children came into the lives.

“I’m going to have a decent baby monitor system wired into the room, or we’ll go to the club. Silly girl.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t fret. If the child doesn’t settle well at night, you’re not going to be interested in exerting yourself. You’ll probably be grateful for the sleep.”

“And you?” she had asked cautiously.

“I’ve said before I will wait for you.” He had kissed her on the lips. “I love you, babe.”

One of many conversations discussing how having a child might change their lives. He hinted she would be made to be submissive in a non-sexual way to make up for the disruption a baby would bring to their nightlife. That way, he could satisfy his need to control her while maintaining her obedience.

“In what way?” she had asked.

“I don’t know. I might develop a suitable fetish, or perhaps you will be required to write or paint for me. Put your creative mind to good use.”

“I don’t know why you call me creative,” she had retorted. “You’re the one with all the innovative ideas for humiliating me.”

“My creativity is inspired by you, darling. You’re a deliciously erotic canvas for me. We’re both painters. You paint pictures of what you see about you. I paint your life.”

Gemma had to agree—she was his work of art. However, Enrique was also developing a portfolio of her, and the thought unnerved her from time to time.

Chapter 24. Versatility

At nine o’clock, Gemma peeled off her protective dress and removed her frilly lingerie. In the absence of Maria, she fumbled with her hair. With shaking hands, she fashioned a ponytail. One last fidget as she settled on the rug at the foot of his armchair. Jason’s armchair.

They hadn’t had sex since the previous day. They both needed the break. Whether she was ready for him again was a different matter.

He approached from behind, a familiar path, and flicked her ponytail. Taking his seat opposite her, Gemma noticed he had stripped down to his underpants. She waited for him to speak, taking air in through her nostrils, hoping to calm the raging nerves.

“Lessons, Gemma. Treat this as educational. No impact play, bondage, or toys. A simple training session. You’re going to find out about yourself tonight, and I don’t want your mind clouded. Listen to what I tell you to do. Are you ready?” His magnificent controlling voice filled the space between them, placating her nerves, reassuring and unquestionable.

“Yes, Sir.”

Am I?

Enrique and a naked Maria had appeared. Jason glanced over to him and nodded. Enrique spoke to Maria in Spanish, and she came over, kneeling by Jason’s chair. Permission had been given—another submissive for Jason to control.

“Gemma. I want you to lean back, rest on your hands. Keep your legs apart, tip your head back. Good. Spread those knees wide. Maria, use your mouth. Make her come for me.”

Gemma followed his directions, her arms shaking and nipples stiff. She didn’t especially like the uncomfortable position. She couldn’t see Maria between her legs. She arched her back, offering herself to the Mexican.

It seemed an eternity before she felt the tongue, a tiny, ticklish touch on the tip of her labia. She flinched, unsure of what she thought of being with another woman. Maria repeated her little stabs and each one lasted longer. The arousal, instant, as if a button had been pressed somewhere on her body. Maybe because her head was tilted back and all she could see was the ceiling. Gemma shut her eyes to block out the bright lights.

Maria licked her slit—curling, rolling movements of an expert tongue. The other woman’s fingers found her clitoris. Maria’s head sank down on her. The sucking sound, distinctive, the sensation, both tormenting and divine.

“Oh, my God!” Her body trembled, and her arms shook. She couldn’t support her body for much longer, trying to hold her orgasm in check, unbelieving of her own abilities to be so rapidly aroused.

Jason moved with swift, concise actions. She felt him behind her back as he lifted her body and wrapped his arms around her, supporting her weight. Now, she could see Maria, still positioned between her legs, giving her cunnilingus. The woman’s head bobbed up and down reaching her sex with precision.
