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His get-it-done approach had made the Prime Minister a fan. Upon his retirement, the position of Lieutenant Governor had been made available to him as a post-retirement sop.

And now he ran Delhi. Or would, if not for the constant interference of Mohan Jaswal, Nikhil Kumar, and Co. Still, it kept life interesting. Chopra would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy a bit of conflict every now and then. It was something else he had in common with his overweight, whisky-swilling friend opposite.

He regarded Sharma through a cloud of blue cigar smoke, feeling pleasantly sleepy and guessing the Police Commissioner felt the same way. “These body parts found in the basement at Greater Kailash,” he said. “Any new developments?”

“Investigations continue,” replied Sharma.

“One would hope so,” said Chopra. With some effort he leaned forward to place his cigar on the edge of the solid silver ashtray. The ash needed to fall gently on its own. Aficionados would never tap a cigar.

“But there’s something else,” said Sharma.

“Yes?” asked Chopra.

“Kumar wants the matter hushed up. The prick visited me, offering me a bribe.”

“I see. Well, if Kumar wants this kept quiet then perhaps it might be fun to see that the case receives maximum publicity.”

But Sharma wasn’t smiling. “You might not want that, Lieutenant Governor.”

Chopra squinted at Sharma through the smoke. “Oh yes? Why so?”

“I’ll show you.”

Intrigued, Chopra watched Sharma ease himself from the armchair—no easy task—and cross to a briefcase he’d brought with him. The big cop extracted a folder, returned to Chopra, and passed him a photograph.

“This is the house where the bodies were found?” asked Chopra.

“It is.”

Chopra studied the photograph a second time then handed it back. “In that case, I concur with our friend Kumar. It might not be prudent to raise public awareness at this stage.”

Sharma’s chin settled into his chest. “I thought you’d say that. I’ve already taken steps to ensure the investigation is as low-key as possible.”

“Nevertheless, I’d be interested to know why Kumar wants this kept quiet. You can look into that for me, can you?”

“I can.”

“Thank you. You can be certain I shall be most grateful for your efforts.”

“There’s something else,” said Sharma, opening the folder once more.


“I hear Jaswal wants you to approve the appointment of Amit Roy as Principal Secretary in Kumar’s ministry.”

“He does.”

“Are you going to do it?”

“I haven’t decided yet.” Chopra grinned. “Jaswal hates to be kept waiting, so …”

“You thought you’d keep him waiting.”


“I have something here that might help make up your mind. Have a look at this,” said Sharma, handing over the folder.

“What is it?”
